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The Visualizers by Mfon Afangideh
Copyright © 2015
All Rights Reserved


It was just a normal day for me, even though I wasn't feeling all that great ever since that one evening weeks ago.

I wanted to begin my day with a quick breakfast at the 'The Coffee Shop' around the corner of my college. So many people come and go there, that I planned on leaving early this time. I didn't want to be late to my class as of last time, when I decided to leave later to the coffee shop instead of earlier, which resulted in me waiting in line for more than 30 minutes.

The Coffee Shop was a little shop with few high tables and stools, but was still pretty busy as always, mostly because of us college kids.

I waited in line quietly thinking of how I was going to deal with what happened weeks ago, while pulling out my wallet, when I realized I had no money left. Just a couple of dimes and pennies.

I sighed and closed it quickly. I really needed to find a job here. I can't keep doing things like this. It's unfair too other people who actually work hard and earned their money from it. Just this once. Then I won't do it again, I thought to myself.

As I moved to the front of the cashier I opened my wallet one more time to double check if it worked. "Three twenty dollar bills, two fives, eight ones and one ten. Ok good." I muttered under my breath.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" The girl behind the cash register said.

"Could I have a Vanilla Caramel tea, with two ham and cheese croissants?" I replied.

"That will be... eight sixty-two."

I gave her one of my twenties and waited for my change. I didn't pay attention to the people behind me but I was sure I heard some mumbling and complaints. Instead I saw a jar full of pennies with a few silver coins.

"Excuse me? But what is the pennies in the jar for?" I asked the girl behind the cash register, as she gave me my change. "We are raising money for a charity that helps in feeding starving children, with one penny at a time."

"Oh, that's sweet." I said and the girl smiled nicely. "Let me add some of my coins so I can be apart of this cause." And I dropped every single coin I had in the jar, I smiled at the girl one last time, then moved to the other side to finally retrieve my tea and croissants. I sat down at an empty table near the window and started to take a sip of my tea when I heard the same girl call out to someone.

"Excuse me ma'am can you please put the pennies back into the jar?"

I tried to see who she was looking at but people were blocking my view. "Ma'am, excuse me?" The girl said annoyingly.

"Shut up. Your high voice is giving me a headache."

That's when I froze. What? She's, tha- that's-, but before I could finish the thought, something flew past me at a fast rate, almost going through the cup of tea.

I only had a second to register what just happened when the second one flew past my head, which I dodged just in the nick of time, but in the process the window was cracked. I stood up fully aware of who this was. I looked around but I couldn't see her, while everyone else stood shocked, and confused.

The last one flew and hit me hard enough on my cheek, then it went straight into the window, sticking in there just like the other one, cracking it.

I held my throbbing cheek and turned my head to finally see what I thought I was dreaming. "Hello Elsey, missed me?" She snarled. I looked over to her hands and saw what she was holding, the pennies.

I started to move but I was too slow. Penny after penny flew at me as I got my stuff, and ran my way to the door. People next to me started yelling and ducking, covering their faces.

Finally, I made my way out the door, thinking I got away.

Crack, crack, SHATTER! I turned my head back, horrified to see how she busted through the shop's window, dropped the remaining pennies in her hand, and ran and yelled after me coldly saying, "Don't go yet! We've still got all day."

I started to run. I was spilling some of my tea on the ground but I didn't care at the moment. 'Why is she here, attacking me? How did he get her to do it?' I began thinking.

"Elsey why are you wasting your time running?" I looked back to see that she wasn't even there anymore. Then when I turned forward, I slammed myself into someone, dropping my tea, and my food.

"It took you long enough to catch up." She said grabbing my shoulders at the same time. "Let me go!" I yelled.

"What? You trying to cause a scene? I already accomplished that, take a look." she said bitterly as she points her head towards the Coffee Shop. And sure enough, when I turned my head around, people were either hurrying out of there, calling the police, or were just dazed.

"You know, the only way you can stop struggling out of my grasp, is if you fought back." She said with a smirk.

I looked at her knowing exactly what she meant. But nope. Not here. I'd drawl a crowd, and I can't exposed myself like I already did before.

"Tell me how did he do it? How did he control you to come after me?" I asked her.

She spinned me around, still holding one of my arms and started walking, pulling me with her. "I really don't know what your talking about. And I could really give damns to it, but I don't have some. The only thing I need to worry about is getting you to him." She stated angrily.

So that's how it is, huh. He must of done something to her, to me. I can not, let her bring me to him. Not after finding out what he is now. Not after knowing what he's trying to do to me. No. Never.

Before I could stop myself, I flung my free hand up, just across from her, and sent her flying into a brick wall, just a few feet ahead of us.

As her back and head slammed into it, I called to her and said, "Then I guess this just will be one long of a chase to catch me, cause I sure is in no way of going with you to that lunatic."

And before she could say anything, or even get up, I teleported myself from there to the front of my college class door. I looked around to make sure no one saw me appear, on accident.

I banged my head lightly against the wall, I'm screwed, I thought to myself.


A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this prologue and continue reading my new book. I will keep updates in my profile so check that out. Vote, comment, share! Thanks for reading.

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