Under His Control

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It takes a couple of moments for you to collect yourself enough to button up your shirt. Your fingers tremble and you can barely stand up straight. When you've finished fixing your uniform, you walk over to your robe, pooled on the floor by the door, and kneel to pick it up.

Without Snape's body pressed against yours, it's freezing. The robe doesn't provide much comfort as you slip it on, it's cooled from the stone floor.

You step out the door of Professor Snape's office and start to walk towards the door of the classroom.

"I hope it goes without saying," Snape suddenly says across the room, organizing textbooks in a corner, "That this will not be mentioned to anyone." he glances at you.

You turn your head to him in surprise, and your face burns red from seeing his expression. You thought he had left completely and you were unprepared to face him after tonight's happenings.

"Yes, of course. Professor." you slowly nod, a slight tremble in your voice.

Snape stays silent, watching you. He doesn't seem to have anything else to say, so you cautiously approach the door of the classroom as he follows you with his eyes.

You have your fingers on the handle when he speaks up again.

"y/n." he says quietly.

You jump slightly, hearing him say your first name. You turn your body towards him, unable to look up, your face still burning intensely. The way your name rolled off his tongue almost made you pass out on the spot.

Snape begins to walk closer to you as you stare at your feet. He stops a few feet away from you, and slows down his pace as he carefully nears you.

He brings his hand up to your chin and tilts your head up, forcing you to meet his gaze. As your eyes lock with his, your stomach flutters, the dull ache for him growing once again.

"Tonight, it-" Snape looks away for a second, pausing. He is at a complete loss of words, he has no idea what he's supposed to say, what he even wants to say.

Snape reassures himself that you deserved the punishment for being such a brat. But at the same time, it was hard for him to pull away from you, for him to take away the look of pleasure on your face. He quickly shakes away the thought of how beautiful you had looked to him in that moment, his hand under your skirt, your lips parted, head tilted back.

Snape looks back at you and quickly drops his hand.

"It's almost curfew." he narrows his eyes. "You should leave."

You look away from him and reach towards the door once again. You push yourself out of the classroom and begin walking to your dormitory without another glance back.

The door stays open for a couple more moments, but you hear it close as you reach the stairs.


You walk back to your room, the castle is mostly empty as curfew approaches and people head to their common rooms. You take deep breaths and count your steps, trying to calm yourself. You remember tomorrow is a Saturday, and you feel grateful you'll be able to sleep in a little.

You enter your room and immediately collapse on your bed, passing out as soon your head hits the pillow.

You don't notice Laura's bed is empty.


When you enter the great hall the next morning, you see Laura sitting in her usual spot at the y/h table. She's hunched over her plate, her hair looks messier than usual and her uniform is dirty. She doesn't look up or acknowledge you as you sit next to her.

Unforeseen Affliction (snape x reader)Where stories live. Discover now