*Part :10*

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Y/n's POV~

We all finished lunch, the teacher called us and we gathered in one place.

Should we start our game now? said teacher

Yeah, all replied excitedly

So the game is, Students have to find envelops in the forest, and in those envelops you will see riddles, you gotta solve the riddle. Whatever answer you will get after solving, you have to find that thing, explained the teacher.

"Wow that is going to be fun"

Here are chits in the bowl, everyone comes one by one and takes them, the student with the same number will be on the same team, said the teacher.

Okay, I will go ist, said Jimin.

We all went one by one and took our chit.

Okay I am 5, how do I find other people with 5 number

Number 5, Number 5, I started to call for number 5 students.

Aish! What am I doing? Am I doing some kinda commercial for number 5?

Jungkook is your number 5 ? said Jimin who was just behind me.

"The fuck, Did I heard it right. Is jungkook also 5. No no no it can't be. At least let me breathe"

Hey Y/n, what is your number, said Jimin while turning me towards him.

I-I am 5, I said.

O wow, you are with Jungkook, Jungkooka I found your partner, he said while running to him.

"Wow? How can this be WOW for me, it is more like an OUCH.
What should I do now? I am sure there will be other students with number 5."

Hey Girl, didn't you find your team yet? said Rose while walking to me.

No, actually yes, just one member, I said

Who is it?

Who else, that Jerk Jungkook I said in an annoying tone.

What? Okay okay don't worry, there are at least 4 or 5 members in one group, so try to find others, said Rose.

Yeah, I will go and find them.

After half an hour, I found my partners. We were 4 in a group and guess what I don't know anyone of them. Well I know they are my classmates but I never talked to them.

Wait, are you guys thinking about Shijin. He couldn't come on the trip. His parents want him to come back for some days, so he went back to the US. Don't worry he will be back soon.
Okay enough about shijin, Back to my life.

Okay students your task will start in 20 minutes. Make sure to help each other and not to create any mess, said the teacher

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