Chapter 1

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Adjusting the bag on his right shoulder and sending his blue and green eyes over the vast open space in front of him, Eren was waiting for a zombie or two to run over and ruin the moment. However this didn't happen as he was left staring straight ahead at the open space. It was the main road, there were tallish buildings and little to no space to walk down the alleyways. His eyes narrowed as he slowly stepped out from his hiding place behind a dumpster and made his way very slowly towards the hospital building. He simply needed more medical supplies to tide him over until he could find more. He suddenly paused, hearing the sound of feet sliding against the concrete and his eyes darted around to find the source of the sound.
The sound of groaning along with the noises of the dead suddenly filling the air he picked up his pace and ran for the large building, cutting his right arm slightly on the glass that barely remained in the door. He knew this would lead zombies to him if it wasn't covered, cleaned, and bandaged soon, but he didn't have time to do that as he pushed whatever he could to the doors and windows and made his way to the stairs.

Peter (that's her character!)
Peter sat in a room on the top floor of one of the few buildings that were in the small town he was in. He stared out the window watching the zombies down below stalk the area as a couple of animals ran from them. There was shuffling behind Peter and he turned around to look at the two children behind him. They were playing hopscotch as their mother watched from the other side of the room. Sighing, he returned to looking out the window. A zombie was having trouble catching a stray dog that was running from him.
"Peter... do you think you could possibly go out and get some food somewhere? We're starting to run low..." Peter nodded and got up heading towards the door. "Thank you, you seem to blend well with those monsters..." It was true that Peter had watched them enough to understand their basic defaults, but he couldn't walk with them yet. Peter walked out the door and down the staircase. He looked out the main gate before slipping through the crack and closing it again. He walked slowly in the same direction he had seen the zombie go and started dragging his feet. He had imitated them before and it seemed to help them not notice him as quickly, but they always ended up smelling the fresh scent of a living human eventually. He walked carefully towards the convenience store and got inside, barricading the door afterwards. He started searching for food and other supplies.

Eren's eyes traveled up the stairs and he strained his ears, still hearing zombies nearby and realizing they could probably smell his blood, if not much of it. He took in a breath and muttered a long line that he wasn't even sure what he even said as it was quiet, and proceeded to walk the staircase. He listened for movement but didn't hear anything at the time, though he was still cautious, "Just because you don't see a foe doesn't mean they aren't there, soldier," Came the man's voice over the earpiece. Eren had forgotten all about him because he liked to stay quiet most of the time to let the brunette male focus.
Eren's fingers placed against the mic part and he opened his mouth, "Yeah, I'm aware... I've had plenty of close calls with humans. Zombies are slower, but still just as dangerous," He spoke, closing his eyes for only a moment before getting onto the second floor and looking around.
"Remember, we are here for food, water, and medical supplies for the outpost. No dilly dallying, got it?" The male said and Eren rolled his eyes.
"Sir yes sir," Eren's voice was of normal tone as he spoke, though it held a hint of his emotion. The male really annoyed him sometimes, telling him common sense and Eren hated hearing it all the time. He knew his goals, he knew what he was doing. His attention went to the eyes that stared at him through the darkness. He blinked, it didn't. He stayed completely silent and still as it shifted, sloppily and less like a living and breathing person would. He rolled his eyes and dragged the combat knife he had out of its sheath, the last thing he wanted was it to alert more of its kind.

The store was dark but still visible inside. Peter wandered around the store carelessly, picking up random things to look at them or stuff them into the satchel he had hanging at his side. He grabbed some water and downed it, then ate a twinkie and shoved some more into the bag. He grabbed the first aid kits that he found and shoved them into the bag as well.
There was a groaning from the back of the store and Peter slowly walked over to see what it was. Being the curious guy he is, he forgot to grab his gun out of the back rim of his jeans. He peeked his head around the corner to see an older male slouched over against the wall. He looked over the man and saw the red bite mark on the man's left arm. He immediately took out the gun and held it up towards the man. The man looking up with painful eyes.
"Please kid... kill me... I don't want to be one of those monsters..." Peter saw the tears running down the man's face and put the gun to the man's head.
"Rest in peace old geezer..." He pulled the trigger and grabbed the rest of the stuff he could and darted out of the building and towards the next place he could see to hide. The gunshot would attract zombie's and he didn't want to be a part of that. He hid in a small tin trash can. "...great lovely trash that hasn't been taken care of for who knows how long..."
He heard the zombies walk past and waited a while before hopping out and walking back towards the safe grounds. The small group of people were going to move to a safe military base soon. They just had to survive until they got there, that was the complication. The group consisted of a woman, her two children, the main male, his brother, Peter, and a silent orphan boy who stayed alone in the corner most of the time.
He entered the building and headed up the stairs, stopping halfway to listen after hearing what sounded like muffled screams. He ran up the stairs to see both men dead on the floor, the mother slouched in the corner, and one of the girls ripped apart. The other girl was hiding behind the boy. There was a man in front of them with a knife in hand getting ready to strike. Peter grabbed his gun back out and aimed for the man's throat.
"Die in pain bastard..." He pulled the trigger and watched the body drop with no emotion on his face he walked over to the kids and picked them up. He walked out the building, carefully heading to the military base.

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