Chapter 14

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This is a chapter where Eren begins to hate Peter. Life gets better though, I've almost caught up to the pages of the doc. Btw it's currently at 225 pages rn. So many words. TwT.
"Oh crap!" Peter jumped out of the way just in time to avoid the crazy woman. "What do you think you're doing?! This is my food!" Riley was laughing behind him as the male had stayed. Something about 'switching out with someone else' and 'more free time now'. Peter shook his head and glared at the male as the woman jumped for the food again.
"Just give it to the woman, she'll go for your throat if she doesn't get her way," Eren speaks, leaning against the doorway to his room. Peter glared slightly down the hall.
"I may love you, but I also love my food too!" Peter dodged the girl again and smirked at her.
"Have it your way, hey Alex~ Do you want to come with me and teach Nathaniel to hunt like I promised him?~" Eren asks the woman, "What we find you can cook and eat as much of it as you want to~" Alex turns to Eren.
"Just us? The three of us? Oh~ I didn't think you liked people like that~"
"Oh~ Peter's getting bumped out~" Peter glared at Riley and the male ducked behind the couch.
"I didn't think of it like that." Eren deadpans then smirks, "But I guess I could give it a try~ Nathaniel has Armin, but you~ You aren't with anyone~" Eren sends Peter a glance as the woman walks over to him.
"Sounds like fun~" Peter glared at the male behind the couch with a fierce intensity. Riley peeked his head over the back of the couch as Peter shoved his plate towards the woman.
"Take it~ not so hungry right now..."
The woman looks at the plate being held towards her and pushes it back towards Peter, "I don't want it now, keep it." She turns her head back to Eren, "When would we go?"
"How about we go now? That way we have time before night falls~" Eren responds softly, his voice softer than normal.
"Whatever... I just remembered the pork I left back in the medical building..." Peter set the plate on the table and grabbed Riley. "Time to go..." He dragged Riley out the door.
"Farewell dear household. Wish me luck in not dying!" Riley started laughing and let Peter drag him.

Eren watched Peter leave the house and deadpanned, walking back to his room. When he came out he was wearing his military jacket, had it zipped up and was ready to go. "Let's go get Nathaniel, Peter can live on his own." Eren spoke, as the wolf walked and stood behind the male. The three of them left the room and made their way over towards the military building. Eren opened the door for the other two and searched around for Nathaniel. Eren spotted him and ran over, lifting the male into the air.
After he set him down, Nathaniel spoke, "why do you look so mad?" He asked, his voice soft.
"It doesn't matter, also on another note. You may want to find Peter a home," Eren spoke, taking the report from the boy's hand and looking it over.
Alex and Nathaniel exchanged a glance, "Why?" Nathaniel asked. Eren simply looked over at him.
"I'm gonna kill him." His voice was cold, emotionless as he turned his head around. He walked forward and towards the doors as the wolf followed after him. "Now, let's go hunting before I rip the male to shreds, shall we?" He asked as Nathaniel's eyes lit up.
"You're going to teach me to hunt?" He asked, running over and latching onto Eren's right arm. The four of them walked over and grabbed some guns and made their way to the gate. As they left the compound he made his way over to lead them into the woods as the wolf trotted ahead of the male.
"So, you want Peter away from you now? What happened?" Nathaniel asked, and Eren adjusted himself in the tree he sat in.
"Hm? Oh yeah, he clearly doesn't understand the meaning of harmless flirting." Eren muttered, looking around them.
Alex shook her head, "Maybe he got jealous, but that doesn't explain your reaction. What's so bad about it?" She asked and Eren sent her a glare, frowned and looked at his legs. He watched them dangle off of the branch he was perched on, under the other two.
"It doesn't matter, I want nothing to do with him." Eren spoke quickly, then leaned against the tree itself. He looked down at his hands and the gun he held, "I wish Blaze was here, I wouldn't have to deal with such idiots." He spoke to himself and heard a sigh.
"You're still not over him, are you?" Alex asked as Eren looked up at her. His frown pulled into a line as he looked back down at his feet. He looked off into the distance and nearly froze, or fell out of the tree depending on who considered it. In the distance, was a large crowd of slow moving figures. His eyes grew wider by seconds.
"I think we need to get back, and I do mean now." Eren spoke, jumping from his vantage point in the tree.
"What do you mean?" Nathaniel asked and looked to where Eren pointed in response. Alex looked and the four that were there quickly hid behind the tree they sat in. They had to make sure whoever they were, that they were dead. Eren watched then turned to the others.
"Get back to the compound, warn the people." Eren spoke and Alex shook her head and grabbed Eren's arm.
"I'm not leaving you," she replied and Eren glared at her and shoved her.
"Go Alex! I don't need your pity!" He snarled and the woman stepped away from him, watching his face as he was more aggressive than he normally would have been any other time. She sighed, shaking her head, but ran off after Nathaniel. This action left the wolf with Eren, who watched the group.
Eren watched the group, as it had shifted and gone a different route. His eyes narrowed as he refused to move, weary of the risk of making noise. He waited a moment, or rather an hour or two, before he even moved a muscle. The sky had been darkening, and that was all he knew. He looked at the wolf and the two of them ran to return to the compound.
By the time Eren reached the gate, he saw several soldiers running around. He was forcefully tugged inside and tossed to the ground with force. As he looked up he noticed the relieved faces of the soldiers. "What?" He asked, his voice becoming dark and deep as he watched them.
"Zombies got it, we don't know where or how, but they got in. A few people had been attacked, but it's safe again... We'll have to search around for a hole or two." The soldier said as they pulled Eren to his feet. His eyes danced around as he immediately ran to his house, entered and found it intact and normal. He sighed, clutching his chest with his right hand. He stepped forward and went to Noah's room, seeing the boy was fine. He checked on his son and sighed softly. The wolf looked around the house and eventually found Peter in the kitchen. A growl sounded from the chest of the wolf.

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