Chapter 4

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Peter woke up when a nurse walked in and started to check him for any signs of changing. When he didn't show any she rolled up his pants leg and began changing the bandage. The woman was nicer to him than anyone else he'd met so far, especially the Captain. He smiled at the woman and thanked her with a nod of his head.
"You know, you never talk when I'm in here... Why is that?" Peter shrugged and stared at the large, blank wall next to him. He grabbed his drawings from the table and started hanging them with tape from his bag. He stared at the family game night one and reached out to touch it. He stopped short and pulled his hand back.
"...It hurts..." The nurse looked surprised at him.
"Where? Tell me." Peter pointed to his chest as he winced. "How much? Scale from one to ten, one being the least and ten being the worst." Peter started to breathe heavily as he held up both hands showing a ten. "Oh dear..." The nurse ran out of the room after waking Ciel up.
"What's going on this time?" He looked over at Peter and frowned. "Oh... You ok?" Peter looked at the boy exasperated.
"Of course not... So much pain..." Peter groaned out in pain when the nurse walked back in with a soldier.
"Hold him down while I give this to him..." She held a needle and Peter's eyes went wide. The soldier walked over and held his arms down.
"What's that?!" The nurse didn't answer and started finding a vein. When she found one, she lined the needle up and stabbed him with it. Peter screamed out as she started talking to him.
"Well, I can't have you going insane or turning... That would be difficult to handle without the Captain here... or at least more soldiers..." She started pulling the needle out and Peter yelped.
"But why'd it have to be in the chest?! That was way too close to my heart! You do realize that could have killed me, don't you?!" She smirked.
"Then oh well..." Peter stared up horrified at the nurse as the soldier let him go. The soldier waited at the door for the nurse to finish up. "It wouldn't have changed anything."
"Yeah, but I could have killed you!" The nurse turned to him.
"That's why I had a soldier pin you down. Because no one trusts a newcomer, no one." Peter stared after her as she and the soldier walked out. Is it bad that I want to kill her? Ciel walked over to the bed and administered water into Peter's mouth.
"Just don't say anything back. We don't need another repeat of earlier." Peter nodded and swallowed the water.
"I could have done that myself..." Ciel looked at him questionly and Peter sweat.
"Yeah, I don't think so..." Peter pouted and looked around.
"I'm kinda hungry... but that scary guy said we can't leave..." Peter shivered thinking about the beating he'd get if he so much as put a toe out the door. He grimaced as he started to feel the imaginary pain. Putting it out of his mind, he looked over at Ciel. "Could you like, I don't know, open the door and yell out that we want food?" Ciel looked at him as if he were crazy.
"Sure, if I wanted to die..." Peter rolled his eyes.
"I meant stay in the room and yell, you don't have to step out... I would never intentionally put you through what I did." He shivered again as Ciel sighed and stood up. He walked over to the door, opened it, yelled, sat back down and stared at me. "Thank..." He nodded and started looking through my bag. He pulled out a rubix cube Peter had found and started playing with it.

Eren's body shook and he sat up, sweat falling down his face and hitting the bed beneath him. His breathing was ragged and he shook in fear, looking around the dark room as though he weren't alone. After all, he wasn't. He blinked, continuing to search the room before sighing. He placed a hand on his chest and breathed out heavily, that was what he got for even trying to sleep for a second. Nightmares had plagued him, not at first, but when they arrived he was trapped without any way to get out. His feet slipped out of the cot and he stood shakily and stumbled slightly, he wanted to go outside and take in the cold night air. Was it even night anymore? Was it dark outside?
Sliding on the black combat boots and shrugging on his camouflage jacket, he left his room after locking it and slowly made his way outside. The cold air hit his face and ran down the opening in his jacket and covered his arms that once had been warm. He felt sick and he breathed in deeply, trying to rid himself of the fear he had momentarily minutes ago. He decided to bring the two food, and wasn't planning to feed himself, he can eat later. As he entered there was a quiet and almost silent presence from inside, and he was alone. Dinner must have just finished up, he walked into the kitchen part of the mess hall and gathered some food, and made his way to the medical center.
The streets were dead silent, save the occasional soldier that walked the street to defend. He entered the medical building and made his way right, towards the hospital room and the holding cells, he heard the door to the room open and he paused, glaring at the opened door. Peter was shot in the leg and was momentarily unable to use that leg. The only other person could have been the smaller boy, Eren's features softened as he heard the boy yell and close the door. He walked over and tapped the door with his boot, Ciel opening the door and looking up at him, "I told you." He spoke as he turned to stare into the depths of Peter's soul.
Peter stared at Eren with a nervous gaze, until his eyes landed on the food in his hands. Eren's mouth opened, "Figured you would need to be given dinner, most people don't care to help others. It may be a bit cold." His voice was cold and emotionless, when really it was pleading but that part couldn't be detected. He handed the smaller boy one plate and then considered tossing the other at Peter, but simply handed it to the male who flinched. Might as well have hit him with it.
"Cold?" Ciel asked, looking at Eren.
"It..." He considered his next words, "I was busy," That wasn't entirely a lie, he was trying to sleep. Peter stared up at him and studied his features, noticing that there had been sweat on his face from something. Peter suddenly smiled.
"What were you up to?" He spoke and nearly screamed when the brunette turned to glare at him, "Sorry! Sorry!"
"I'm not interested in people like that." He spoke honestly, the peeking head of Nathaniel held a smile.
"Yet!" He spoke and Eren turned his body to face the male to scold him, only finding the spot the boy stood was now empty. He huffed and rolled his eyes. Nathaniel came back to the room, "I mean you get flirted with by just about every nurse we have~" Nathaniel smiled innocently and Eren placed his left hand on the boy's right shoulder, making his smile vanish as he looked up at the terrifying male before him. The smile replaced itself, "Or maybe you don't swing that way, huh Captain?" Nathaniel elbowed the male and Eren shook his head, clearly disappointed in the male.
"At least I don't like a woman who's older than me," Eren spoke, he was referring to Cassandra and Nathaniel couldn't help but blush at his words.
"She's pretty!" He defended and Eren smirked. "Cassandra is a very beautiful woman!" He ranted on at the Captain, his smirk only grew.
"Hear that, Cassandra?" Eren's words dripped with honey as Nathaniel grew to be eight different shades of red all at one time. He turned his head to see the woman herself staring at him.
"We're soldiers, that's unprofessional." She spoke and the boy sighed.
"Can't hurt a guy for trying.." He spoke as his shoulders slumped. Eren gave him a much more gentle pat on the back.
"Suppose not," He spoke and a nurse ran towards the room and peered in, not noticing the Captain.
"HAS ANYONE SEEN THE CAPTAIN?!" She yelled out and Eren glared at her.
"Stop being loud, and what?" He asked, his voice dark and scary once more.
"SHE'S AWAKE!" And almost like lightning, he vanished from how quick he ran out of the room and to the one nearer the holding cells, nearly breaking the door and he entered. The small blonde looked up at him with her bright blue eyes.
"Big bubby?" She asked, curiously looking at her brother's face.

Zombie Apocalypse StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin