Chapter 17

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Eren closed the door to the bathroom and looked at Armin, "what happened to you?"
"The dog got water on me..." Eren pouted and looked at his clothes. They were still mostly dry, so he wasn't bothered with the light water droplets. He walked over to the towel rack and grabbed one of the towels and walked to the bathroom and knocked, "everything alright in there? No one undressed?" He smirked and looked to Armin with a smile as the blonde giggled.
"Y-yeah we're fine. Y-you can c-come in..." Peter's voice cracked slightly. Eren looked to Armin with a smirk.
"Make him regret saying it~" Arming spoke. Eren nodded and slipped off his shirt, tossing it at the blonde. His eyes widened as he caught the shirt, looking over at Eren and whistling quietly. Eren's hand wrapped around the doorknob and he entered the bathroom.
"Kitten~" Eren cooed, looking down at Peter, holding the towel slung over his right shoulder.
"Holy..." Peter stared at the male with a beet red face. "W-wasn't expecting t-that..."
Eren sighed, smirked and took the towel off his shoulder and snapped it towards Peter's lower back. "There's a lot you won't be expecting~" Eren smiled innocently and walked over to Roland, "have you been a good boy?"
Roland barks happily, "H-he's been a g-good..." Peter stared at the male in awe, "Wait... what did you mean, 'there's a lot you won't be expecting'?" Peter's face grew slightly darker.
A sinister and playful smirk found Eren's lips, "I can't tell you that, princess~ Maybe some other time~" Eren pet Roland, "looks like the good boy gets the food he wants~" Eren cooed down at the dog. Roland's tail wagged, bringing his butt with him as he moved closer to Eren. The male used the towel to dry off the dog and pet his head again, "extra food for Roland~"
Peter stared at Eren's bare back, "But I want to know~" he pouts, scooting over to Eren's side. "Pretty please~ Eren~"
Eren looked over to Peter, grabbing the male's chin gently, "bad dogs don't get to know what they want to. Be a good boy and I'll tell you, maybe even show you~" Eren spoke, leaning closer as though he was going to kiss Peter. His eyes flicked and he let go of Peter and moved away from him again, "Now then~ What are you hungry for!" He smiled down at Roland.
"Don't tease me like that~ It gets my hopes up!" Peter pouted once again and slumped forward with a dark crimson face. "He probably wants some form of meat..."
"Meat, huh?" He chuckles and turns against Peter, "I'm sure that's what you want~" He lets Roland follow him out of the bathroom and leave Peter alone in the bathroom. He walked back to the door and peeked inside, "take care of that." He spoke, gesturing to Peter's body. He closed the male in and walked to the kitchen.
"Y-yes s-sir..." Peter stuttered, his face beet red. Eren nodded to himself and smirked over to Armin.
"Hehe, oopsie~" He smiles innocently and begins feeding Roland raw boar meat, assuming that was what Peter had killed out in the country. Roland ate it happily, "now~" Eren smirked, "time to exercise those legs!" Eren stood up all the way and peered down at the dog, "We'll go see your friend, Alistar. Does that sound worthy?" Eren asked, "oh and you can't bark or make any loud sounds, okay boy?" He asked softly as he looked at Roland. Roland's tail fell between his legs and he made his way to the door. "Oh cheer up! We can eat more when we come back!" Eren spoke, "and we can bring the other two!" Eren jogged out and the three animals followed after him. Eren opened the front door and led the three animals over towards the stables without telling the other three where he was going.
He ran forward and led them forward until the barn appeared in front of them. Eren smiled to himself and opened the door, allowing the animals to go inside. He takes a brush and enters the horse's stall, "Hello~ We were here earlier, well Peter and I, but I brought your friend!" Eren began to use the brush to get any clumps or just to make the horse look prettier.
Meanwhile Armin sat on the couch and gently ran his hand through the small four year old's hair. "What do you think about Peter?" He asked softly, his eyes closed as he continued to run his fingers through. Alexander smiled up at the blonde.
"He's weird!" Alexander spoke, covering his face before smiling up at Armin again.
"He's weird?" Armin asked, looking down at the boy, "do you not like Peter?"
"No, he's okay." Alexander spoke, Armin laughing softly.
"So he's just weird? Just Peter?"
"Yeah!" Alexander yelled, sitting up and leaning on the blonde.
Eren had Roland running around the barn chasing after Alistar. The male was leaning against the side of the barn, sitting on a stool and carving a wolf into small wood that was held tightly in his left hand. He delicately used the knife in his boot to make the carvings, keeping the large combat knife in his belt sharp. His eyes scanned the wood as he worked and looked up to check on the running animals that would pass him by.

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