Chapter 9

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Eren stared at the male, walkie talkie in his hand. The two blinked at each other before either of them spoke, "What do you want? I'm busy Peter." He spoke, but his hand was on the button, signalling to whoever he was talking to and telling them not to speak.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked and the Captain glared at him.
"Playing raise the dead, now get out of here." He spoke and Peter looked at him terrified before seeing Shelby looking at him calmly.
"He's telling you to leave, we're listening to-"
"I'm telling her a story of something that happened before she woke up, now get out." His voice was more deadlier this time as Peter shook his head, "Peter..." his voice trailed, it was in a scary tone and Peter gulped as he watched the brunette shift off of the bed, "why did you come in here like that?"
"Umm..." should he even tell him? Ciel would probably try to kill him and all he has on is his jacket, which was still zipped up.
"Well?" Eren asked, standing near, but not close to him, "why are you still in here?"
"It's Ciel... he... well..." Peter trailed off at first and Eren shook his head and lifted up the walkie talkie.
"I'm a lot more busy now than I was originally, give me a minute or so to figure out what's happening here."
"Got it Chief!" Nathaniel's voice called from the other end and Peter sent him a confused look, not yet having the reality hit him.
Eren walked closer and Peter shook his head and moved forward, "You can't go out there, Ciel would kill you..."
"If it's for a good reason, why not let him? If not, then get out of my way." Eren spoke and pointed at Peter, "I've got a business arrangement to discuss with someone right now."
"Ciel is trying to kill you to play-"
"Raise the dead..." Eren sent him a glare, "that would explain why you looked horrified at my sister in the beginning because you thought I meant it." He shook his head at Peter, "people like you," he put his hand down at his side and shook his head, "you really piss me off. Move." He spoke and Peter shook his head and continued to block the door, "I said move." He spoke darkly, right in front of the other dark haired male. Peter gulped and looked up at the male.
"He'll-" Eren grabbed the male by his shoulders, nearly lifted him off of the ground, and moved him away from the door and opened it.
"Listen here you little-," he paused and leaned out of the room, "Ciel?" He stepped out of the room and Peter followed after him quickly, shutting the door behind himself to keep Shelby safer, "where's the kid?" Eren looked up and down the hallways, noting the many doors as he watched and waited for movement. Peter also glanced around the silent and empty hallway, no screaming was being heard and no signs of struggles. Eren's intuition told him the boy was still in the hallway somewhere with them.
"Ciel, stop this! It's not funny!" Peter yelled and Eren looked back at him.
"Raise the dead, kid. But you can't do that without a body. I know you're out here," Eren spoke, drawing his combat knife from his belt, "and I know where your siblings are. They talk about you quite a lot, and you have quite a cute little sister." Peter looked at Eren confused at how he knew about Ciel's siblings. He heard movement from one of the rooms closer to the holding cells and he smirked as he watched the boy walk out. To Eren, this was one large game board of chess. And in this case, Ciel was the enemy king and alone at that.
"You know about them? Where are they?" Ciel asked, carefully watching Eren's movements.
"You see, I can't tell you. You'd put their lives in jeopardy, now wouldn't you?" Eren spoke and Ciel eyed him cautiously. "I bet you knew from the start what was going on here, didn't you? You must have pieced it all together from the very beginning. The lack of meat on your plates from the start, it must have been obvious." Peter looked between the two confused, "and I know whose side you're on, let's talk about this, shall we?" He shifted on his feet to fully face the boy standing there.
Ciel also shifted his body to fully face the Captain, "what do you have to say?"
"For starters, you want to find your family, don't you? Killing me would be a poor choice. And besides, someone has to keep them alive." Eren spoke and Ciel looked at him slightly confused.
"Alive?" He asked and Eren smirked and noticed the gun the boy was hiding behind his back.
"I bet you thought they were all fine and dandy, didn't you?" Eren spoke, his tone becoming scary as if he were insane, "and they are, for the most part." Ciel narrowed his eyes at the Captain.
"For the most part?"
"Well of course, since you're so good at solving puzzles, why don't you fill in the blanks for me?" Eren spoke, eyes shadowing over, showing no remorse for the possibility of ending another person's life. He was numb to the idea at this point, more to show a point. "Where would they be?"
"What are my hints?" Ciel asked and Eren laughed. Laughed. His laugh sounding sinister and cruel as he looked back at the boy after stopping.
"I thought you were a smart boy, you tell me." He spoke and Ciel glared at him. The boy said nothing for a moment or so as he looked away in thought, shifting to face away from the male. Eren moved, only a foot forward as to make sure he didn't take notice. Peter did the same to try to combat the situation before him. As he looked back he didn't notice them move at all, mostly from a different door they stood in front of.
"I can't tell, but it doesn't sound good." Ciel mumbled and Eren sighed.
"Are all of you people daft?" He asked and glanced back at Peter, "I thought he was smart..?"
"I am!" Ciel yelled back and lifted the gun slightly. Eren let out a sigh and reached into his pocket, "what are you doing?" His question was answered when Eren lifted the container from it. Eren held it forward as it dropped, only to be stopped by the chain that Eren held between his fingers.
"This, I got this from someone who is against the compound, or at least what it stands for. But you already know that, don't you?" Eren spoke and Peter continued to look confused.
"Yep, when we came here I noticed something off when I opened my eyes for a moment. The people here seemed to act far too differently than normal people would. Like zombies, but human." He spoke and Eren nodded.
"So you figured it out too." He spoke, and shifted his hand up with a sharp movement and caught the container in the palm of his hand and moved it to his pocket, "which means you don't know a thing, not truly."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Peter piped in and Ciel looked over at him, and said nothing.
Eren continued, "You know, I have a walkie talkie in my room, I'm talking with the people you know about. Or rather them." Eren spoke and Peter stepped to be directly in the middle of the two.
"What are you two talking about?" He asked and got no response "Answer me!"
"You're one of them, aren't you? One of the civilians on their side?" Eren asked the boy and watched his expression carefully.
The boy smirked and spoke up, "Yeah, so what if I am? What are you going to do about it? You said walkie talkie? Probably Nathaniel, right?"
"Yes, and I'm considering their words and orders. However, deciding on taking my life is a serious crime, murder is illegal here, you know." Eren spoke, flipping the knife in his hand and catching it, "You may have to learn from those words."
"What about my siblings?" Ciel changed the subject and Eren's eyes flashed with that evil glint within as they had earlier, only now did Peter get to see it.
"Hey!" Peter yelled, trying to get them both to focus on him, "What are you talking about?! What's going on?!" He yelled to Ciel, still afraid the Captain may hurt either of them. He shifted in his place between them as he watched the two, completely ignoring him, "Hey!"
"I'm not so sure I should tell you at this point, it seems to be that you didn't care much for them if you were traveling with someone else, I don't think you deserve to know." Eren spoke over Peter and the male slumped his shoulders.
"Where are they?!" Ciel shouted and Eren deadpanned, scaring Peter.
"Why? So you can kill them too? Just like dear ol' Daddy, right?" Eren asked and Ciel's eyes widened slightly.
"How'd you know about that?" He asked and Eren chuckled darkly.
"Kid, I know everything about you, enough to know your siblings don't want to see you again. How's that make you feel?" Eren asked, and watched the boy.
"That isn't true! I know them! They'd never say that!" Ciel yelled out and aimed the gun towards Eren, Peter moving out of the way from panic.
"Go ahead and shoot me," Eren spoke, putting his knife back in its sheath, "won't change the words that left their mouth." He spoke, his tone being completely honest.
"NO!" He shouted and aimed the gun directly at Eren's head.
"Ciel stop!" Peter yelled and stood directly in front of the gun.
"Move, Peter!"
"I can't let you hurt him!"
"What? Afraid to lose me like you did Connor?" Eren asked and Peter turned his head to the male as his eyes widened.
"Ciel told me while we had been playing checkers." Eren spoke emotionlessly.
"DON'T IGNORE ME!" Ciel shouted and Eren shrugged.
"Why not? You're just a tiny fish in a sea of sharks, this world doesn't need a toothless fish." Eren spoke at the boy and Ciel looked to be almost seething, "that right there." Eren pointed to him as Peter moved out of the way, trying to comprehend Eren's words. Ciel watched how Eren's finger pointed at him, "is why they're scared of you. Why they don't want to see you."
The boy started to cry as he shook his head, "NO THEY AREN'T!"
"Ciel," Eren spoke like a mother would softly to her children, "they aren't just scared of you, they're terrified of you. In their eyes, especially your little sister's, you're a scary monster, even more so than the zombies prowling the city."
"Hardly, you saved her once, then lost her." Eren spoke and then continued, "She thinks you're a big and scary monster, that will hurt her like you did her father. She didn't understand then and even though she does now, she's more scared of you than the dead memory of her own father." Ciel's hand, the one aiming the gun quivered slightly from anger.
"I never said she hated you, she's just scared of you, a monster like you and I. We are scary to the eyes of people. But that's just in our nature and you weren't there to save her the second time around." Eren's words were like knives running from his lips, scarring the skin of his own and of Ciel's. And he meant it to be that way.
"I'M NOT A MONSTER! I'M NOT LIKE YOU!" Ciel shouted, and Eren smirked.
"Then why are you holding a gun? Why kill me? Why play raise the dead if that's a game for monsters like us to play?" Eren continued shooting words at the boy.
"YOU'RE THE MONSTER! MONSTERS GET KILLED!" He steadied his arm and aimed the gun once again, "IT'S JUST A GAME I WAS TOLD TO PLAY!" He shouted back to Eren.
"If you kill me, you become me." Eren spoke, smirking, "If you weren't a monster then, you'll be one now." He looked away and his smirk grew, "And that's why she's so scared of you."
"Yeah Ciel, be a good boy and put the gun down before you get hurt," Eren spoke, that malicious glint he had when he hurt Peter coming back. Peter sent a glare back at him, which turned into fear as he recognized the emotion.
"You're not helping any! Just stop!" Peter yelled at him, though it was slightly hesitant.
"I'M NOT PUTTING ANYTHING DOWN!" Ciel shouted and Eren shrugged.
"So be it," And with that he drew his knife once again from its sheath, "if you won't step down, I'll be forced to hurt you."
Peter spoke as he moved back in between the two, "Stop it! Ciel, look at me! It's okay. You know my past, what I've done. Don't be like me. Don't kill someone for the sick satisfaction or because someone told you to. It never ends well!"
Ciel shook his head, "Please Peter, move!"
"No!" Peter yelled back at the boy. Eren stood there, ready to take down Ciel if it came down to it, which didn't bother him one bit. He was ready to kill a child if it came down to it. He stayed silent as he watched Peter.
Peter began to walk towards the boy slowly, "Ciel, lower the gun... I can help you. Please, I don't want to kill you, but I will if it comes down to it."
By now Eren was ready to fling his combat knife at the boy, or possibly take Peter's gun and attempt to shoot them both. The entire ordeal was annoying him greatly and he didn't plan on letting the boy get away. He continued to remain silent, but planned the boy's death in his head.
"I don't want to hurt you either..." Ciel spoke as Peter reached the boy. He grabbed the boy's hands and began turning him around slowly. He began to slowly choke the boy with his own arms.
"Then give up Ciel. Just drop the gun and call it quits." Peter spoke to him.
"Might as well, but you aren't going to be trusted for a long while." Eren spoke, still planning to drop kick the kid into the sun. He was mentally cursing out Peter for even considering letting him go. Eren shifted his weight onto his other leg as he watched the scene unfold before him. He considered launching his knife, since he had nearly the perfect hit zone.
"Peter.." Ciel mumbled, though his voice was barely audible. Peter's arms tightened slightly and the boy' grip on the gun loosened and he eventually let it drop to the ground. His hands went to Peter's arms, but he still hadn't removed them.
Peter sighed softly, "Ciel..." he mumbled to the boy, "I'm sorry.."
"Sorry doesn't cut it Peter," Eren spoke and Peter looked at him. The man held no emotion on his face and Peter frowned, "hey kid." Eren spoke, making Ciel look at him as Eren finally began to walk over. When he was just about in front of him he crouched down to meet Ciel's height, "have you ever played chess?" When Ciel barely managed a nod Eren spoke again, "then you know this is checkmate, my round." With that Ciel closed his eyes and barely managed another nod, feeling Peter's arms tighten around his neck until it snapped and Peter let go and let his body fall to the ground. Only it didn't make contact as Eren caught the boy as he fell and held him in his arms, "you know, you're not the first child I had to bury..." he spoke softer now to the dead boy and looked at Peter, "I'll bury him next to Lucy, she'd like that I'm sure." With that being said, the Captain stood up and began walking towards the door. Peter followed him as Eren nodded with his head to a shovel. Peter grabbed it and opened the door as Eren led them to the tree, with the dead zombie and blood stains.
"You buried her here? Why?" Peter asked gloomily and Eren looked at him.
"This is a special place for me, my squad... well..." Eren looked at the cross he put for Lucy made of wood, "before they died that is, we used to meet here and watch the sunrise or even just to talk away from everyone else. They died in the city, in the hospital I came from the day we met, only they died at least a week or two before that..." He spoke and set the boy on the ground and took out his knife, pushing it into the boy's skull to keep him from turning as Peter began digging.
"That sounds horrible.." he spoke and recalled hearing gunshots when he killed Wyatt.
Eren and Peter were walking back inside the building and Eren closed the door and walked past Emily, who sent them a sympathetic gaze. She understood, and Eren walked Peter back to his room and stopped him, "That had to have been hard on you," he groaned, annoyed, "and as much as I'd rather hit you, or on you," he mumbled the last part very quietly as he continued quickly to cover it up, "I'm in there if you need me." And with that Eren walked into his hospital room and sat on the bed and made himself comfortable. He picked up the walkie talkie and clicked the button, "I'm back, Ciel tried killing me and Peter had to put him down like a rabid dog." He spoke with no remorse whatsoever about the boy's death.

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