Chapter 10

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When Eren's body finally calmed he was laying there on the ground. He brought himself to stand and lifted the medication in his hand and shoved it down and into his pocket. After doing that he began walking back to the medical center. He felt a knife like pain searing through the spot where he had been stabbed and he winced. He crouched down in the middle of the settlement and felt the pain grow as he slowly rose back up and walked forward. His goal was to get back to the medical center and back to his room to rest. His feet dragged themselves and he suddenly stopped, the wind blowing through his hair and nipping at his ears as he remembered what he was originally going to do.
He turned around and began walking towards the military building and walked inside. He turned to the right and began walking towards the General's office. He paused and raised his right arm, but retracted it as another wave of pain surged through him. He recoiled and a whimper escaped his lips. He shook it off and knocked with his left hand, "Name, rank, and-"
"Eren, Captain, and I'm here to tell you about what I learned from the enemy." He spoke and saw Cassandra's head appear from around the corner. She walked over and spoke.
"Are you alright?" She asked him softly and Eren shrugged.
"Ah, come in then!" The man called from the inside and Eren opened the door with his left hand and covered his wound with his right hand. "What have you learned?"
"They want the cannibalism to stop, that was why they came here," Eren's voice almost appeared to be going through the man's ears. The only way Eren knew he heard was because he nodded and looked directly into Eren's eyes.
"Then we'll have to work at night, if you can... Tell them," He ordered and Eren nodded and walked to the door, "and be careful, I know you're in pain." He spoke and Eren walked out and closed the door behind him. When he went to walk forward, his body refused to move forward and he collapsed into the wall. Cassandra reappeared and wrapped her arm around his back and helped him to walk back to the medical center. As they entered the said building they took notice of a nurse hitting the bathroom door, the two looked at each other and sighed. Cassandra opened the door and helped Eren to sit on the table and handed him the walkie talkie as she left to figure out what was happening out there.
Eren placed his hand on the hem of his shirt and pulled it up to look at the spots of blood that had soaked through the thick bandages. He sighed and slipped off his shirt carefully and his eyes hit the stitches on his arm. He pulled a pair of pliers that had been left in the room for some time and began pulling out the stitchings. When he nodded to himself, he slowly made his way to the door and leaned out, calling for a nurse to bring him medical supplies. "Let me-" he cut her off and took the supplies.
"No." Was the Captain's response as he closed the door and locked him and Shelby inside. She had fallen back asleep with Akari and Eren smiled softly. He went back to the table and took off the old bandage to find the wound still perfectly stitched together and it had only been a little bit of blood to have seeped through. He sighed in utter relief and grabbed the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and dipped a cloth onto the top and poured some onto it. After that he began to clean the stitches. After that was over he wrapped it in a clean bandage and threw away the dirty bandage.
He walked over to the bed and climbed onto it, still leaving the door locked as he watched Cassandra go to open the door and stare at him through the window. Eren gave her a shrug and a moment went by before the door opened, and Cassandra held up a bobby pin and gave him a victoriously smug grin as she locked the four in the room. She walked to the bed and pointed at him, "Have you-"
"I was cleaning my wound, I didn't have time. I'll do it now," with that he clicked the button and raised it to his lips, "I can talk right now, Nathaniel, can you?" He asked and heard a noise from the other end before the scatter sound stopped and a voice popped up.
"Captain, what's the plan?" Nathaniel asked and Eren looked over to Cassandra.
"Where's my food?" He joked to her and she shrugged as she stood up and walked to the door and yet stayed in the room. "We remove it at night, don't attack or I'll be forced to put you down. And that is something I don't want to have to do." He spoke and the line went silent before a response was heard.
"Got it, I'll tell the boss, see you tonight Eren." And the scatter sound came back before Eren turned off the walkie talkie as Cassandra left to bring them back some food. He looked down at his sleeping sister and made himself comfortable, she hadn't told him what was happening at the bathroom, and he decided not to care. Peter was probably still in his room anyhow. Eren pulled the cover over his bare chest and covered his sister as well.
"Isn't this just dandy?" He asked himself as he glanced at his shirt that lay on the table, still completely clean. He regretted having not grabbed it when he went to go back to the bed, but he had just become comfortable and now had no real choice. He felt Shelby hug his leg in her sleep and the male groaned. Now he really didn't have a choice in the matter.

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