Chapter 7

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Ciel had woken Peter up to eat his cold food before he ate it. Peter grumbled but got up.
"You can have it if you want... just give me the bread. It tastes good..." Ciel stared at him weirdly but gave it to him anyways. "Thanks..."
"So how do you feel after sleeping a bit?" Peter shrugged and ate the bread. "Do you need anything?" Peter looked up at the small boy.
"Yeah, some more paper and honey, seeing as how I destroyed it..." He looked over to the scratch on the wall from where the jar had shattered. It was a small scratch and hard to notice at first. He stared at it for a while. "Who cleaned up what you couldn't?" Ciel looked over to the wall.
"I think it was a soldier... I woke up and it was clean so..." Peter looked at him.
"If you were asleep, then how would you know it was a soldier?" Ciel looked at the male and pointed to his ears.
"I'm not a heavy sleeper, the boots sounded like the kind military people use." Peter shrugged and got up, wincing in pain.
"Oh I regret pissing off Captain~" He walked to the door and stopped, walking back to the bed. "Did he say if it was alright to go to the bathroom?"
"I think he said it was fine, hard to tell when he's mad..." Peter nodded. "Just go before you pee on the bed!" Peter got up and walked out the room and down the hall. He closed the door to the bathroom and locked it. He turned on the shower and watched the bathroom slowly fill up with steam. He took off his sweatpants and boxers and hopped in. He sighed as the scorching water beat down on his back.
"I could get used to this~" He washed his hair slowly letting the water soak his head and for a moment he thought about letting it in, but thought against it. He was locked in a bathroom, naked and a door would not keep a certain someone from beating him. He shivered at the thought. He looked down at his leg as the water below him ran a dark pinkish color due to the dried blood from his leg. He had forgotten that his sweatpants were stained with blood and now he had another problem. He forgot to bring different pants. "Crap..."
"Hey idiot! You forgot the bag!" Thank you Ciel!
"Just leave it outside the door, it's locked!" He heard the bag be dropped and soft footsteps leaving. He sighed as he finished up cleaning himself off. He stepped out of the shower and regretted doing so as the cold air hit his naked body. He shrieked before pulling on some boxers and shuffling through the bag for another pair of pants. He found a pair of jeans and slid them on. He decided that he'd put a shirt on this time since he forgot to last time. He chose a long sleeved crimson shirt and put it on before drying his hair. He unlocked the door and went back down towards his room, sending a quick glance into the girl's room before walking into his room. More food had come and he sat down and ate.
"So how was your shower? I see you put a shirt on this time..." Peter glared at him.
"It was nice and sorry if I forgot to last time." Ciel smirked.
"You know the Captain beat you while you were shirtless~" Peter blushed and looked away then looked back with a blank face.
"He beat me! What's so good about that?!" Ciel nodded.
"He knows that you like him..." Peter choked on his food and glared at the small boy.
"What did you tell him?" Peter squinted his eyes at the boy who stared back unfazed.
"Just described you and he guessed. He had such an emotionless face to... I don't think he likes you~" Peter glared harder.
"No dip sherlock! He hates me right now!" Ciel shook his head.
"If he hated you, then why'd he save you?" Peter was at a loss for words as he thought.
"You are one manipulative brat..." Peter turned away eating his food thinking about what Ciel just said. "...He doesn't like me brat..."

Eren's eyes fluttered open, revealing the emerald and sapphire gems. He turned his head to see the face of Blaze staring at him, "You know, you did this when you were human too." He spoke as he poked the dog's nose. The dog shifted and nudged him, "What is it?"
"Eren?" Armin asked, waking up and looking to the other male.
"What? Oh, the dog woke me up," Eren lied and sat up on the bed, leaving the blonde there and Blaze to fall off his chest. "Whoops," he smiled and lifted up the small dog. A loud knock sounded on his door and he glared at it. He walked to the door, having set the dog down on Armin, and opened the door aggressively. His eyes fell upon the nurse who watched his expression carefully. "Yes?"
"The work we did on the two came back. They're good to go." She spoke and his eyes narrowed at her. She seemed indifferent to have disturbed the male and turned to leave, "and dinner is being served, go eat before it's over." She spoke and left him alone. He closed the door and slipped on his boots and stretched his arms.
"Look at you~" Armin whistled and Eren sent him a soft glare.
"Let's go get dinner," he spoke, pushing the memory of reading the squad's entries to the back of his head. He walked out without waiting to see if Armin was following him. As he slipped outside the cold air nipped at the skin that was showing, namely his face, neck, and arms, and he shook it off. As he walked he heard running from behind him and a moment later Armin walked by his side as the two entered.
After the two ate they got up and walked outside, standing in the middle of the open area and looking at the sky. "What do you think life would have been like? You know, if none of this ever happened?"
"He'd still be here, why must you bring up his death so often?" Eren snapped at the blonde, "He's gone, has been for two years! Let him go already!" His voice was loud as he pointed with his index finger at the blonde. Armin's eyes widened and filled with tears almost instantly, "Armin.." he sighed, "I'm sorry," with that he hugged the blonde, who latched onto him quickly.
"It's hard to forget how he died," Armin mumbled and Eren nodded slightly, then remembered from their stance Armin couldn't see his face.
"I know, but he'd want us to get on with our lives, move on and start a new life.." Eren spoke more gently as he pulled away from Armin, "he can't be here to protect us anymore, so we have to protect each other and everyone else here. We're soldiers, it's our job." With that the male let go of the blonde and began walking towards the medical center to bother his sister before she went to sleep, and to also check up on Peter and Ciel. As he entered the nurses looked at him, waiting to hear his verdict on if they could stay, the male said nothing as he walked by them and to Peter's door. He walked to the door and peeked through the window to stalk the two.
Peter was eating his food and glanced to the door, then back to his plate. The male nearly choked on his food as he did a double take and saw the Captain staring at him through the glass. He stared at him as though he was coming to attack him. Peter hesitantly kept eating, and watched the Captain open the door, "Hello." Ciel greeted, without looking up from his plate.
"Child." He looked to the other in the room, "Peter." He spoke, looking around the room and seeing it clean, his eyes narrowed only slightly as he examined the walls and floor, "Has he been trouble?" Eren asked the smaller boy.
"Good, I have work to do, I'll be back to check on the two of you later." He lied and walked out of the room, Peter sighing loudly and watched the male go the wrong way. Eren went into his sister's room and bounded towards her playfully, "Hello~"

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