Chapter 2

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Eren turned his head to the male in the back, "Who else was out there?" Eren's voice was tired and strained from listening to people breathe.
"Only my squadmates, or a few of them anyway, they already went back beforehand." The boy spoke honestly and Eren nodded his head.
"She should trip down a flight of stairs," Eren spoke suddenly, causing Peter to glance at him confused and the other soldier to laugh softly.
"She really should," he spoke honestly. Eren continued driving as they neared the compound.
Another hour had passed and they were arriving at the gates of the settlement, which opened as the presence of the van was discovered, he pulled in and groaned, "Home sweet home.." He muttered as he pulled into the driving spot and shut off the van, "wake the others," he spoke to the other soldier. The male nodded and walked over to the other two and Eren nudged the male who had eventually fallen back asleep closer to the settlement, "We're here," he spoke as the male looked at him.
Eren leaned over the male and lifted the duffle bag up and opened his door, climbing out and slinging the bag onto his back, carefully avoiding his injured shoulder. The back of the van opened to reveal the tired face of Nathaniel and the glaring gaze of Cassandra. She glared at Eren  before it softened, "We back home?" She asked, her voice was always more quiet when she woke up, she got out of the van, lifting up the small girl into her arms as she continued to sleep. Eren hopped into the back and picked the small boy up and got out of the van, he walked to the doors leading into the military building then changed his mind.
"Cassandra, let's bring the three of them to the medical center to check and make sure they aren't infected with anything," Eren spoke and the woman nodded, Nathaniel went to take the duffle bag from Eren but it hit the ground from how heavy it became, "Easy kiddo," Eren smirked and handed the small boy over to Nathaniel, "Take the kid with Cassandra, you there!" He gestured to Peter and pointed after his squadmates, "Follow them!" With that he lifted up the duffle bag back onto his back and walked into the military building for the military only. The general lifted his eyes from his papers, and met eyes with Eren.
"Welcome back, what did you bring?" He asked and Eren shrugged, setting the duffle bag onto the wooden table to be checked and took out the cans of foods and water that he collected, and the extra medical supplies he found, but kept his personally kit in the bag and lifted it back onto his shoulder now that it was light and empty.
"I'll be heading to my room, then the medical center so they can check out the cut I earned today." Eren spoke and the man nodded.
"Good work, Eren." The man spoke and Eren tensed hearing his name instead of rank. He nodded and left the main room to head to his room which was still within the building. He opened the door to his room, using the key wrapped around his neck with his dog tags, and set his bag on his bed and left, locking the door behind him and making his way to the medical building, passing his squadmates as they walked by. He entered the large medical facility and entered the room that held Peter and the children. He slipped off his military jacket, the right sleeve still crimson red from his blood, and revealed his muscular arms under a military tank top. He ran a hand through his longer part on the top of his hair. The sides and back of his head were shaved. The stitches that were still new on his arm showed how he took his time working on it. It had been cleaned when he was in the hospital but he wanted to make sure just in case.
"Hello, how can I- C-Captain Eren!" A woman spoke, surprised by his presence, a red blush on her face. She quickly set down her clipboard until he raised his hand.
"Check them first, I'll be alright," He spoke as he took a seat in one of the chairs. The woman sighed and lifted the clipboard again.

"Ok, so the little girl has a bit of some mental trauma, the little boy is perfectly fine, but you..." The woman looked up from the clipboard and at Peter. "You are a strange case... Heightened senses, a bit strong for your noodle body..." Peter glared at her.
"I'm not that much of a noodle..." She shook her head.
"No, you are..." She stared at the clipboard. "But your blood work is weird. You have this strand of DNA that doesn't belong in your genetic code. As if your body is slowly adapting to this... problem..." Peter tilted his head to the side.
"Please elaborate doc..." She sighed.
"You have a single strand of zombie DNA in your system. That's not normal..." Peter snapped.
"Well dang, how unfortunate... So what else?" The woman stared at him. "What? I already knew I was weird, I didn't need a scientist to tell me that... look at this..." He pulled up his sleeve to show a scar. "Chemical burn. Looks a lot worse than what it was...." He smirked proudly down at his arm as the woman took a few steps from him.
"You scare me. Maybe we should lock you up, just to be safe... you might be a nutcase..." Peter shrugged.
"Oh well..." Ciel looked at the scar then up at Peter.
"Are you sure you're human? No one likes that much pain..." Peter whipped around to Ciel.
"Of course I'm human! What kind of question is that?!" Peter stood up and faced the kid. "Are you sure there's nothing wrong with his brain?" The woman shook her head. He sighed and sat back down. The woman went to check the man from earlier.

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