Supporting Camila Cuevas

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So I should address something. If you're involved in the general art community scene, you may have heard of the conflict between Camila Cuevas and Hopeless Peaches. I support Camila 100%. From the screenshots I've seen, Peaches manipulates the situation and plays the victim card every time. She spread lies about Cami and made her seem like a horrible person, which ended up coming back to bite her recently when Cami spoke up about what happened. I know I shouldn't be involved in this, and I doubt either of them will see this and the video I made about it but this is an issue. I used to watch Peaches' videos, now I wish I could take back every view I gave her. She lies about people to make them look bad and like every popular YouTuber hates her (that was somewhat exaggerated), but this isn't okay. 

Peaches lied and said Cami made money with her work by hiding her signature on art the collaborated on, this is a lie. The poster was taken down not even a day after it was put up and none were sold. I don't even know how Peaches managed to get away with lying about this, as she was credited in every step of the way and from what I saw, her signature was actually bigger than Camila's, so how she managed to get away with saying her signature was hidden is a complete mystery to me. Peaches frames herself as a victim to all this criticism, when in fact she's tarnishing other's reputations. I thought she was a good person, so I subscribed to her for a short while. While yes, Peaches has gone through some horrible things but that doesn't give her an excuse to lie about people and make them look bad. 

I really hope this video and writing reaches people, as this is an issue. If you're a fan of Peaches, I urge you to unsubscribe from her channel. Don't give her a platform to spread more lies. Now I look back on it, I don't believe almost any of what she said in her videos. It's hard to trust someone you know has a history of lying and playing the victim. 

Please, if you support Camila Cuevas in this issue, try to help this reach a larger platform of people. There's only so much I can do being a [age redacted because you don't need to know don't worry I'm not like 7] year old with accounts on Wattpad and YouTube. 

Please DO NOT send hate to Peaches, she doesn't deserve that even with how many lies she spreads!!!

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