Chapter 16 - 3rd year in hogwarts

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Draco's pov:

Me and Harriet were in my dorm and Harriert was helping me change my hairstyle. I can't believe I agreed to do this. Harriet and I were in our third year at Hogwarts, Dumbledore announced that Remus and Sirius would teach us this year while Lily and James take a break with a few things. Harriet was really happy that James wasn't going to be here again, and it was going to be his kind friends.

"...And, finished." Harriet said, then gave me a hand mirror and I saw my new hair. "Wow, it looks great." I said and Harriet smiled at me, then Owlbert hooted happily. "Owlbert said he likes your new hair." Harriet said and I really like having a friend that is a beast speaker. "Well goodnight Draco, we better get some rest. Tomorrow we get to interact with magical creatures." Harriet said excitedly. "Okay, goodnight Harriet." I said, and Harriet smiled then closed the door behind her. I changed into my pajamas and went to bed thinking about what kind of magical creature we would encounter tomorrow.

The next day, everyone was outside in the forest and it was really hot. I loosen my tie a little, and everyone took off their robes to stay cool. Some of the others were opening their text book for magical creatures but got attacked by it, Harreit told them to stroke the books by it's spine which was the book binder and they all calmed down. We were all near Hagrid's hut and Harriet was really excited to see what kind of magical creature we would encounter. We also saw Hagrid and Sirius, outside a fence with all sorts of magical creatures.

Hagrid and Sirius led us inside the fence and we all saw a Hippogriff, a half eagle and half horse creature. Harriet was completely at awe when she saw the hippogriff. "Now everyone, say hello to Buckbeack. He is a hippogriff, they are very proud creatures, very easily offended and you do not want to offend him. Which is the last thing you want to do." Sirius said and everyone got a little nervous. "Now, with that aside, who would like to come and say hello?" Hagrid asked, and everyone took a step back, Me and Harriet didn't even realize they did when Hagrid called me and Harriet first.

Me and Harriet carefully walked forward and Sirius was giving us clear instructions. "Walk up slowly to him, now both of you bow down really low, if he bow's back you both can touch him, if he doesn't...we'll get to that part later." Sirius said and we did as he instructed. "That's it nice and low." Hagrid said calmly. "Now wait for him to bow back." Hagrid said, then me and Harriet did as he asked. Me and Harriet were waiting for Buckbeak to bow back but Buckbeak squawked at us and started flapping his wings.

"Back now, both ye bow down again." Hagrid said, and Me and Harriet bowed down slowly and lowerer this time. Buckbeack returned our greeting by bowing down to us. "Well done Draco, Harriet, now try to approach him by petting his head." Sirius said, then me and Harriet approached Buckbeak and Buckbeak slowly came to us. Harriet carefully places her hand on Buckbeak's head and Buckbeack makes a soft sound. Harriet grabs my hand and slowly places it on Buckbeak's head and he seemed really happy and everyone clapped.

"Good now, ye both can ride him." Hagrud said then lifted me up and placed me on Buckbeack's back, then Harriet. "Wait, did you say a ride?" Harriet asked, and before Hagrid could answer, Buckbeak started running and flapping his wings and before we knew it Buckbeak took off then me and Harriet were soon feeling the strong wind against our faces and we were soon flying in the air. Harriet wrapped her arms around my chest, because we were really high up.

When I was able to adjust to flying on the back of a Hippogriff, I actually enjoyed flying and the view from riding Buckbeack looked amazing. "Hey Harriet you have got to see this." I said, then Harriet tilted her and she soon felt the strong wind on her face and her hair was flying. "Wow." Harriet whispered feeling the amazing breeze on her face. "I wish Frost fire was here, he would have loved this." Harriet said, and I forgot Harriet didn't bring Frost fire today because he was now too big for Harriet to bring around in her robe pocket.

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