Chapter 2

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Vernon- "get the door boy!"

Harry- I sigh heading to it and opening it up seeing Hadgrid. I smile softly "how can I help you sir?" I ask him

Hadgrid- "Hello I am Hadgrid, I here to take you for your school equipment"

Harry- I huff in annoyance "well sorry that you came this fare Mr Hadgrid but I did say in my letter that I didn't need help anyway because I already new were I was going plus I have everything already"

Hadgrid- I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion "but Headmaster Dumbledore asked me to come here to take you there as well as tell you everything that you need to know"

Harry- "trust me I alway know everything there, you see I talked to someone who told me everything already, so I don't need help in that area or the school equipment area, so sorry for wasting your time, you better go and help someone else, who does need help" I say before closing the door before he could say anything

Vernon- "who was it boy!"

Harry- I shrug "someone trying to sell you something"

Petunia- "good job you sent them away then, I ain't buying anything for all we know they could be frauds"

Harry- "I think they were because they were selling surfing boards"


Harry- I snort when hearing them coming throught he train station, I can't believe they are shouting about muggles around actually muggles I know it's an act to get me to come over to them so they could help me, a part of Dumbledore plan really but seriously woman are you stupid or something but then she's got to be if she follows Dumbledore as well as thinking she and everyone else can steal from me which I luckily got sorted out st Gringotts before going for my school equipment. I make sure I don't look like myself as I walk over and past them as I walk into the entrance. I didn't hear anything from them meaning it worked as I head towards the train and get on, go ing straight for a empty compartment in the back part of the train. I come to the last compartment at the back and go in putting my stuff in place before sitting down.

I smile down as I open her cage and allow her to get out. I hear her yips as she comes over to me "hello there my little snow drop" I say leaning down and stroking her head. She is a Arctic fox, with pure white fur and jet black eyes reminding me of a demon. I pick her up and sit her down onto my lap when someone knocks on the door. I look up when remembering that I closed the curtains "please come in" I say wondering who it is. As I see blonde hair, knowing exactly who to is straight away.

Draco- I smile putting my hand out "Draco Malfoy"

Harry- I lean forward staking his hand "Harry Potter"

Draco- "this is my friends Blasie Zabini, he doesn't speak except to people he trust the most "

Harry- I shake his hand too "it's nice to meet the too of you, I had a horrible start when getting onto the train"

Draco- "and why's that?"

Harry- "some read haired boy bragging about becoming my best friend luckily I cloaked my self into looking like someone else or he would to come over to me and start loudy talking to me, no thank you"

Draco- "probably a Weasley"

Harry- I hum "I prefer to be the twins friend then his because they are quite entertaining"

Draco- "It wouldn't be surprising if they were truly meant for Slytherin instead of Gryffindor"

Harry- "Probably ended up in Gryffindor because they were scared of being disowned"

Draco- "makes sense really, who would want to be disowned even if you are a Weasley or not, family is family at the end of that day"

Harry- "and you would do anything for them"

Draco- "agreed"

Harry- I feel sad now "I wish I had a family"

Draco- "maybe we can be your new family"

Harry- I feel joy go through me and I bet my eyes have brightened up "Really?" I say looking between to two seeing them nod there heads

Draco- "yes really, if you end up in Slytherin we will definitely be family because within Slytherin everyone is accepted as we protect each other and are family no matter what but we makes other think other wise as outside the house we were mask meaning we control our emotions so no one can use it against us including us being careful with what we say outside of the dorms or common room"

Harry- I smile 'if I had know this the first time round I would of not argued with the hat' I think to myself "well that's understanding, I wouldn't want anyone having dirt on me to only us it then against myself, because that won't be a fair fight"

Draco- I nod "exactly"



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