Chapter 8

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Draco- "why don't you come back to the manor for the holidays?"

Harry- I shake my head "no I want to see what it is like for Christmas here first, if it's not as great maybe next time"

Draco- I shrug "fine suit yourself, I am going to miss the two of you, hope you both will send letter my way"

Harry- I nod "will do" I say before seeing the two board the train and I turn heading back towards the carriages which take my back to the castle. I get back into the Slytherin dorm  sighing as I know this is going to be a boring but at the same time interesting Christmas because I wish my friends to be with me.


Harry- I take the letter from the owl and read it seeing that it was from Hadgrid asking me to meet him at his hut for a chat and that. I shrug as I finish my breakfast before getting up and going to his hut.

When I get there I see fang is outside but I ignore him as I walk past, and walk over to the door knocking on it and it opening straight away

Hadgrid- "calm down boy" I say smiling down at fang before looking to Harry "why don't you come in Harry"

Harry- "thank you also it's Potter only my friends call me by my name if you don't mind"

Hadgrid- I pull a grimace face before turning back to more normal cheerful self "of course Potter"

Harry- "now what is it that you wanted to chat about Mr Hadgrid?"

Hadgrid- "no need to be formal just Hadgrid for me lad as for why I asked you here is because I wanted to know how you are doing and hopeing that no one in Slytherin is hurting you or anything"

Harry- I shake my head "no everything is alright, been studying with my friends or just chatting and playing chest the normal really, as for Slytherin, everyone in the house is kind and amazing when answering my questions as" I then tilt my head "is this all because you dropped me off at the Dursleys when I was nothing but a baby

Hadgrid- my eyes widen "how can you remember such fare back"

Harry- "I remember everything, it's called photographic memory or another name for it is Eidetic memory which is when you remember everything including when you are nothing but a baby"

Hadgrid- I hum "that's an interesting gift"

Harry- I hum "it certainly is, as for why I am really here, it is for Dumbledore or because of when I was a baby?"

Hadgrid- "why would it be for Dumbledore, if Dumbledore wanted to talk to you he would because Dumbledore is a very brilliant man who has saved and helped alot of people within his life including me and many others"

Harry- "that he may but that doesn't answer the question"

Hadgrid- "the third floor"

Harry- I tilt my head "what about it?"

Hadgrid- "I was wondering if you know anything about it, I am very suspicious of it"

Harry- I shake my head "no not really, we were told not to go down there and I am no trouble maker"

Hadgrid- "ahh you are more like Lily rather than your father"

Harry- "I wouldn't know there dead and that days I remember of them let's just say, I wish I aren't like them"

Hadgrid- "and why is that?"

Harry- "because they stayed of course to fight the war, if they had run and hid truly instead of going to were they ended up and went somewhere else around the world then they both will be alive right now with me but no they fought in the war because they though they were heroes but no one is truly a hero there is always greed, power, pleasure and doing it because they want to be known, they are probably either one or all of them. If it were me I would of run and not looked back, so I can protect my children instead of staying to fight this war, now I think this is all Hadgrid and tell Dumbledore to keep his nose out of something he shouldn't be messing with" I say leaving the hunt and walking away ignoring his calls



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