37. Ever After

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It turned out to be the warmest, most perfect April day Kyle could've imagined.

In a flurry of preparations, grabbing kids' stuff, and carpooling relatives, Kyle wound up almost being late for his own wedding. By the time he returned from the venue where he'd tackled a cake-related emergency, the church was already brimming with people, the last of the guests hurrying inside.

They'd tried to keep it small, but Maxi had insisted that, unlike in Sam's case, more relatives needed to come. Kyle didn't fight her over it. He didn't care much as long as his brothers and friends were there.

"Kyle, finally," Jimmy said from the doorway. "Where the hell were you?"

Kyle hurried down the path towards him. "Random wedding emergency. I'm surprised you're here."

"Sam stepped in and set everyone straight. But honestly, your military magic and death glares were missed."

"Nah. This is was Mom's chance to go all crazy and I couldn't deny her that. It means you guys get to." He stopped at the entrance. "Please don't tell me Kay's already here."

"No, you're good, but let's go." And Jimmy whipped around and headed inside.

Kyle kept his hand on the door, but couldn't help lingering one more moment just to take in the green grass and the blooming trees around him, the fresh breeze and the clear blue sky which reminded him of Kay's eyes. Yes, this was finally happening. And it seemed like the perfect day to finally get married to the woman he loved with all his heart.

Nerves wound around him, but he embraced them with enthusiasm as he always did. This was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he'd be damned if he didn't enjoy it to the fullest. Nerves were good.

With a deep, content sigh, he made his way inside. The church was small, meant to be cozy as well as prevent a great number of people from attending. Roses in shades of light blue and white flanked the aisle as he walked up to the podium. Joey and Kelly grinned and waved at him as he passed.

Sophie raised Sammy in her arms and made her wave. Keeping in a grin, Kyle waved back. His mom rolled her eyes and took Sammy from her great-grandmother. It was so odd to think that Sophie was a great-grandmother.

Up in front, his brothers awaited, all four of them smiling at him, Jimmy taking his place at the front of the line. It was amazing to see Tom standing, see Jerry and Sam so relaxed.

The girls were on the opposite side, wearing long forest-green silk dresses, all of them looking gorgeous. Jessie beamed at him and winked.

He'd just reached his position when the music started playing. Like they were one, everyone in the church turned towards the entrance. Kyle did too and his breath caught in his throat.

Kay stepped out next to William, looking more beautiful than ever, even with the thin, embroidered veil covering her face. Her dress was a tight corset strewn with glittering crystals which showed off her narrow waist right before it left way to flowing skirts of lace which made her look like a princess. With her hair caught up in an elegant bun held up by a tiara and rosy lips, she was gorgeous.

The excitement inside him grew, threatening to get out of hand. He needed to stay put. He couldn't just rush to her, pick her up, kiss her. At least not yet. He had to marry her first in this stiff ceremony that he suddenly hated. They should've eloped in Vegas.

God, how could one woman be this beautiful? He'd thought the same thing when he'd picked her up for prom. Felt like his heart was too big for his chest, like it was impossible to love someone so much. And yet, here they were, six years later, just as in love, getting married. Her smile was the sun.

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