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May doesn't have any fancy clothes.

Dress to impress.

She scoffed at George's words as they replayed in her head. She sorted through her closet and groaned after not finding anything for the third time. She wears her usual baggy clothes every day and didn't think of bringing anything else.

She checked the time and found that it was far too late to go out and buy something. She fell onto her bed and sighed in defeat. Her nerves were damning.

Before she could start panicking, an owl swooped through her window with a box hung from its foot. She spotted a collar around its next and reached out to read the tag.

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

It was one of George's owls. She quickly took the box and watched the owl fly away not waiting for a reply.

She opened it up with furrowed brows, wondering what George could possibly be sending her since they were meeting in just an hour. She gasped as she pulled off the lid to reveal an evening dress. She giggled and quickly dressed in it.

It was beautiful. Pastel pink and covered in subtle sparkles. It hugged tightly around her waist and fell to the floor with a slit going all the way up her leg. The loose sleeves reached her elbows and hung off her shoulders. The dress complimented her skin tone and hair color perfectly.

She was amazed at how George had been able to send her such a perfect dress. She looked into the box again and found that he sent her black heels to finish it off and she smiled with surprise. She also found a note at the bottom, written in George's handwriting.

Figured you didn't have anything to wear. Baggy clothes are not an option. ;)


She laughed at the note and sat it aside. Her nerves had turned to excitement, and she couldn't wait to see him.

She finished getting ready, letting her hair down for once and applying natural looking makeup. She couldn't remember the last time she got this dressed up, but she didn't mind it.

Soon, she was applying the finishing touches and settling her nerves just before she was supposed to meet George outside his shop.

George was in the same boat. He had changed his suit twice, each time hating it more than the last. He was afraid she would hate it, but eventually threw on a suit and refused to look in the mirror.

He stood outside his shop leaning against the wall while passerby's stared at the Weasley in a suit. He waited for May to show and started growing anxious after every passing second.

Finally he saw her walking towards him on the street. Dressed in the gown he had sent her with her hair falling to her waist beautifully.

He was blown away. She took the breath out of him. She was incandescently beautiful and beauty was the least of her. She walked towards him as if she were in a ballroom dance, as if the light followed her every move.

His feet had still not moved from the spot he stood in. He watched her approach, and her lips curled into her signature smile at the sight of him. His heart flipped and fluttered in his chest.

"Good evening, George." She said with a laugh, that contagious laugh that was full of nothing but happiness.

He took her hands in his, his eyes still roving over her like she was the only girl in the world and he smiled. His smile was full of affection and it warmed her whole being.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered and watched as her cheeks burned red. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked up at him.

"You're not so bad yourself." She smirked and pulled on his tie. "Spiffy suit you got there."

Fred's Chapter // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now