Y/n (3)

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     His eyes widened in surprise at the paper on his hands, and he kept going back to read the same words over and over again

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     His eyes widened in surprise at the paper on his hands, and he kept going back to read the same words over and over again. Indeed, something must have gone wrong.

He felt his muscles tense, and confusion overwhelmed him.

No one dares defy him on such matters; he is all well trusted; he's got the experience already, but when told he has made a mistake, he can't help but twist his face in almost silent anger.

With his eyebrows pulled down together, and his mouth tightly closed—followed by a fixed glare; even cultivators near him can only blankly stare at him when in reality, they fear him. Cultivators don't understand where the sudden fear comes from, but they're afraid. Afraid of what could be Y/n's response to having made a mistake and being notified about it. 

Y/n lowered down the paper from his hands. Even though anger seeped through him, his actions were gentle; not a single crease had been made on it.

He breathed in through his nose, and a smile, almost a grin, stretched upon his lips. "There cannot be an error," he paused and looked up at the cultivator in charge of collecting whatever data Y/n would bring to him. "I've counted every fallen soldier I managed to gather, and forgive this rogue cultivator for going against your words; I assure you no mistake has been made."

"Nevermind that. please take me to see them."

A simple plea was all it took for the cultivator to nod his head and lead him to the section where the bodies Y/n counted stayed temporarily. Thankfully, not a single body was piled up into little hills. The bodies lay in rows, nothing compared to what Y/n saw on the battlefield, of course.

The cultivator spoke to him in a firm tone. "The numbers you wrote down are more than what you collected, Young Master L/n."

Y/n walked a few steps forward till he could count the bodies in plain sight. "One, two...twenty th—?!"

If he recalls, he did not pick up a cultivator dressed in plain grey crusty robes. He squatted down and suspiciously eyed the corpse. "You, I don't remember you." He reached out his hand to open an eyelid of the corpse.

He was about to retreat, but the corpse lashed out with both hands and held onto Y/n's neck with unbearable strength.

When did corpses start playing dead? Wait, no; scratch that. I never said that.

He heard the sound of a sword unsheathe, and the body fell once again.

Y/n crossed his arms over his chest, cleared his throat with a short cough, and told the cultivator, "This rogue cultivator is proud enough to say that no mistake has been made. Thank you. However..."

Although fierce corpses are already around in the area, where did this one come from?

At times like these, he's just glad he joined no group of cultivators. Most of the time, he's seen running around from team to team, checking up on the cultivators, and even managing a few tasks for captain leaders.

He didn't think twice before he handed the paper back with collected data to the cultivator by his side. "I will be out for a walk."


        There was nothing out of the ordinary in the forest, though. Other than corpses already on the ground with fresh wounds and laughter emanating from nearby. Laughter. Laughter?

Has he been going crazy due to the rigorous schedule he makes himself follow daily, or did he actually hear the voices of other people?

Well, now that explains the corpses laying on the ground.

Y/n turned towards the sound and noticed the cave entrance not so far from where he stood.

Of course, he cautiously made his way there. Why wouldn't he?

It didn't take long before he recognized the voices and such shameful words they were saying too.

In an attempt to listen, even more, not to misunderstand anything, he continued to take steps forwards ever so slowly until he saw the outline of two familiar figures, one taller than the other.

Y/n made his way to stand behind the shorter male, confirming it was Meng Yao after taking a peek at his face.

"Story Was," a cultivator began.

"Story was after his mother passed away, he brought a keepsake with him, and journeyed from YunMeng to LanLing, just to finally meet his father."

Gossiping behind other people's backs must be your thing, eh? Meng Yao certainly is not qualified to be a servant to you. Not because of his past, but because people like you don't deserve a kind-hearted soul like him to follow your orders.

Growing tired of their words and knowing Meng Yao deserved to be treated with respect, he stepped forwards and unsheathed his sword and clashed it against the cave's rocky wall, which caused a boulder to fall and scatter to pieces once making an impact with the solid ground.

Gossiping is not permitted behind other people's backs. Sadly, not everyone seems to think that way.

Letting his anger control him, he scolded the cultivators with a harsh tone in his voice.

That wasn't enough for him.

He rushed up towards the pack leader and kicked him with force on the stomach, causing the leader to crash against the cave wall. That was sure to leave some bruising. Taking notice of how the "leader of the pack" fell with legs spread open, Y/n slowly pressed his foot over the cultivator's clothed little one and gradually increased the pressure.

" If I ever catch you speaking ill of Meng Yao, I won't hesitate to leave you without the ability to make a woman happy."


3Zun x Male! Reader (The Untamed/Mdzs) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now