Just Starting Out

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Those traditional church bells ,that where only thought of as a nightmare to Meredith, rang consistently for four strokes. Small chatter could be heard throughout the walls of the reception but Meredith's pounding heartbeats were probably more audible to the guests. Her stomach was in her throat. Her palms slowly dripping with sweat, like the antibiotics in an IV bag. She was not a nervous person and never did get nervous, or maybe she was but she definitely didn't show the nerves in any way. It was time. The moment that decided the rest of her life. To be or not to be. How could Meredith Grey, daughter of 'The Ellis Grey', someone who never let her be happy or enjoy anything in her life other than the thought of a surgery, be in this situation? Doors swung open. At the end was Derek Christopher Shepherd.

The 12th of April came around quicker than Meredith could say 'Grey'. Meredith had the same sick feeling in her stomach like she remembered when she was starting her first day at Kinder garden and High school and College and Med School. Only this time, it was the first day of her internship at Mercy West, a small hospital in Seattle. Meredith had two gut options when choosing where to do her residency. Mercy West or Seattle Grace. Seattle Grace had too many memories and people that brought back trauma from her past. There was obviously the debate she should have had with her mother about where to apply to except Ellis was unable to participate. Which left Meredith to decide for herself, which was probably best in the long run and her life would not have turned out the way it did if she were to have had that discussion with her mother. Mercy West it was. Meredith knew fine well that it was the poorer option out of the two however she has a feeling that it would bring some good to her life. And that it did.

Meredith rolled into the foyer wearing prison orange scrubs and a pristine white jacket that read 'Dr Meredith Grey M. D'. Her mousy brown, but almost dirty blonde, hair tied back in a low ponytail with her bangs framing the porcelain features on her face. She had never been more ready to start a day in her entire life. She was assigned to Trauma along with another intern which she didn't bother learning the name of because she was so eager to get to 'the Pit'. Her first ever patient that she saw, just happened to be a surgeon attending from the opposing hospital, Seattle Grace. He had gone to help a car crash victim on his way to work and developed a pretty deep cut in his forearm from trying to rescue one of the victims of the crash and he decided to be checked out at Mercy West, which was the closest ER to the accident. He wasn't one to complain and seek medical attention, except he had a huge surgery coming up with a patient that had neurocysticercosis. So he sat down in bed 4 and waited to be seen by a doctor.

' Hi, I'm Doctor Grey. I'll be suturing and checking your wound and then you'll be free to go.' Meredith said, all whilst staring at her gloves, trying to manoeuvre her fingers into the spaces.

She looked up once and looked back down. Then she had to double look him before realising she was having heart palpitations. This handsome man who seemed to have the most perfect, well styled, dark brown hair, was sitting patiently in front of her staring into her big green eyes.

'Hi, nice to meet you.' He said confidently.

Meredith could already tell he was a pure gentleman, who clearly was easy on the eyes and who's charisma was so apparent only through the five words he'd spoken. His smile was so captivating and made Meredith lose her breath a little bit. She snapped out of her awe and attended to his needs urgently. She felt she could spend only whatever time was needed without rushing otherwise she'd be too distracted and caught up in something she didn't need in her life right now. Dr Grey asked him to remove the gauze that had been rested on the wound, only to regret asking him to remove it so early as she hadn't yet quite recovered from the heart palpitations. She went into another transfix after she saw his arms and his hands. His arms were tanned and hairy and his veins were so prominent through his skin which was a good thing if he ever needed an IV, but Meredith was for sure not thinking about an IV attached to his arm. He wore a black watch on his left wrist that screamed dominant. Meredith found herself staring at his hands that had no wedding ring. Why that was the thought on her mind right then, she didn't know. But something she did know was that she needed to finish her job with this patient as soon as possible.

Meredith sat down very close to Dr Shepherd and began to suture his deep laceration.

'You know the orange doesn't suit you right?' Shepherd mentioned without taking his eyes from her face.

'Excuse me?'  Meredith asked confused and unaware that his eyes were still fixed on her pierced lips, that she made when she was concentrating.

'Well at the hospital that I work at and the staff that are on my team,' he emphasised the word my so that she would realised how much power he held, 'we wear blue. Blue scrubs and white  jackets. A much better combination.' He grinned mischievously. 'Blue looks really good with green eyes by the way, if you didn't know.'

She looked up at him to find his eyes directly staring into her soul. He was looking at her so hard but softly at the same time that her stomach was doing flips and butterflies were now a resident in there. They both sat there for a few seconds, just mesmerised by each other.

'See you have green eyes. Blue would look very good on you.'

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