Forty Eight: Together

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Ella blinked slowly, trying to sit up through the pounding in her head and the pain in her legs. Her ears were ringing as she attempted to make sense of her surrounding. There were tall hedges around her, and it was eerily silent around her. 

It was dark.

She finally managed to sit up, but her stomach twisted horribly and she retched. The sound seemed to attract something, and she raised her head to look at whatever was pacing closer towards her.

"Blast ended skrewt?" she wondered as it drew nearer. It seemed almost happy to see her, and she patted its head (or where they all assumed its head was), finally managing to stand up. "Where the hell am I?" she tried to recall what was the last thing she remembered, but she came up with a blank and a pounding head when she tried to remember what happened after Winky the house-elf shakily showed her the way to a big hall in the dungeons that she's never seen before.

Through the ringing in her ears, she heard a feminine scream, and she heard a voice call out "Fleur!"-- It sounded quite a bit like Cedric, so she patted the Skrewt's head once more before attempting to walk away, leaning to the sides and wondering why the world was spinning.

She had to stop, attempting to hurl once more after a few minutes, and she was very close to just sitting down on the ground and sleeping until something would happen, but then she heard an awful scream.

"Cedric?" She called out, and her feet staggered on their own accord towards the horrible yelling, but a wall was between her and the source of it. "CEDRIC!" she was now close enough to be certain it was his voice. "CED!" she looked for her wand, but it was gone, and she slammed her body against the hedge of leaves, and it was so tight she barely managed to make anything happen. "CED!" she attempted again, clawing desperately against the leaves. "Fuck, come on!" she knew it's possible to do magic without wand; young wizards did it all the time.

"Cedric!" another voice called, a bit distant, one that sounded like Harry Potter.

"Burn, burn, burn already!" she begged the leaves, that suddenly lit up, making her yelp in fright as her sleeve almost caught fire as well. The small hole created by the fire slowly grew bigger and bigger, and the fire relentlessly burnt through the hedge, creating an enchanting yet terrifying shapes, a giant serpent burning through everything it touched, but leaving in its wake a path for Ella to run to get to Cedric.

She had to turn a corner in a sprint before she found Krum standing with his wand pointed at Cedric and him writhing in pain on the ground. 

She sprinted towards Krum and tackled him to the ground, and caught in his surprise couldn't do a thing against her as she punched him and grabbed his wand, throwing it away and running to Cedric.


Harry appeared through a small hole in the hedge, and looked at Krum as he started running away from them, supporting his bleeding nose. "STUPEFY!" Harry called out, and Krum fell of the ground.

Cedric covered his face with his hands, and breathed deeply. "Cedric? Are you okay?" Harry wondered.

"Yeah," panted Cedric. "Yeah... I don't believe it-- he creptup behind me. I heard him, I turned around, and he had hiswand on me..."Cedric got up.

 He was still shaking.

 He and Harry looked downat Krum."I can't believe this... I thought he was all right," Harry said,staring at Krum, and before long he turned to look at Cedric. 

"He is alright," Ella replied. "I don't get it," she spoke slowly, and the two turned to her. She stood up, still shaking herself, but supported Cedric's weight with an arm around his torso. He squeezed her a bit closer. "Harry, did Sirius get around to speaking with you about today?"

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