Concered Kenneth

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(Kenneth's POV)
Oh.My.Lord. What did I just witness?
Arc was on the ground, breathing heavily. I quickly ran to her aid. She was barely awake, but still alive.
"Quick, where can I find you some medical stuff?" I said, pretty much shouting out of panic. Arc used her hand to point to the door "It's......down the......hall" she said, quietly.I dashed down the hallway to her bathroom where I found a first-aid kit.
*Timeskip just because*
After patching up most of her wounds, the last bit was her eye.
"It's gonna take more than a bandaid for that." I said, trying to joke with her. She seemed to be lost in thought. I snapped my fingers in front of her face "Huh, what?" She said, looking for who did that. When she saw me next to her, she smiled and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're here! I don't what I would have done. He's never done it that hard before-" she cut herself off, realizing what I had witnessed. She began to cry, which hurt her left eye (y'know because she got smacked). Then an idea came to her head like a wild Katio running to get the ice cream truck before it left.
"How about I try to summon a friend for us?"
"A friend?" I asked her. "But what about your eye?" I asked and she ignored me. She tried to stand up but failed
*After Kenneth got her on the bed*
She pointed to a poster of a person on the wall next to her bed. I couldn't tell if they were a guy or a girl just by the poster alone. "I've ALWAYS wanted to summon her!" Arc said excitedly. "Well then, let's get to work!"
👇🏻 (that's the poster it's amazing if you ask me)

 "Well then, let's get to work!"👇🏻 (that's the poster it's amazing if you ask me)

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(DISCONTINUED) Summoner (Kenneth Simmons Story)Where stories live. Discover now