Cake for Breakfast

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(Arc POV)
I sat up and introduced myself to Cakey. "Oh, I already know much about you! Your friend, Kenneth here told all about you and your special ability!" She said happily. As I got up to use the restroom, I felt my legs give out and I collapsed to the floor. "Arc! Are you alright?" Cakey and Kenneth said at the same time. Cakey had squatted down to me. I rubbed my left eye, which now had an eyepatch on it, "I don't think I'm going to be able to move at all today." I said while resting my head on my hand. Kenneth and Cakey helped me up and (somehow) brought me downstairs and places me on my couch. They took off the bandages around my legs and, not to their surprise, my legs looked like I got trampled. "Oh, you poor thing! Do you need anything, like water or ice or Tylenol or breakfast?" Cakey questioned as Kenneth ran to get me something. I didn't answer Cakey's question, I was so tired from staying up late last night. hour.......won't hurt.
(Kenneth POV)
After I left the room to get Arc an ice pack, I heard Cakey mention breakfast and it made me hungry. After finding an ice pack for Arc, I went to her living room to find her sleeping. I laid her down on her couch and put a blanket over her, then I somehow was able to lift up her leg without her waking up. As I put the ice pack in between her legs, I wonder if Christopher had ever slept with her. Just the thought of it alone sent shivers down my spine. Cakey had reentered the room. "I'm hungry, how about you?" She asked me, my stomach growled and I nodded. Cakey, being the sweet-obsessed person she is decided to bake a cake.
"For breakfast?" I asked her as she went through Arc's cabinet looking for flower. "Well, duh! How else do you start your morning?" She said back. After she found her flower, she got to work. I know baking a cake from scratch is hard but Cakey makes it looks like, well, a piece of cake! Cakey has seemed to memorized the recipe for chocolate cake. But we were missing one thing.
"Chocolate.." Cakey said under her breath, "we are making a CHOCOLATE cake without CHOCOLATE." she sighed. She was scrambling through the cabinets and drawers in Arc's kitchen. There was no chocolate to be found. "Kenneth, would you be a dear and buy some chocolate and frosting for me?" She asked.
"How am I supposed to know where to get that?! I've only been here since yesterday!"
"Well, what do we do?" Cakey tilted her head. As if waiting for the moment to come, Christopher appeared out of thin air. "I know where you can get your missing ingredients, dears!" He announced a bit loudly. "Do you mind getting for us? I'm not good with directions.." Cakey said as she scratched the back of her neck. "Not at all my dear." He replied, walking to the front door. After he left, Cakey said, "Do you mind watching Arc while we wait? I don't want her to know about our surprise!" I shrugged and walked to Arc's living room. She was wide awake.
(Arc POV)
I woke up and to my surprise, Kenneth was in the doorway, as if waiting for me to wake up. "Chris will be gone for a while, he went to get some stuff for Cakey, but you should really go back to sleep." He said sitting next to me. I scoot closer to him and rest my head on his legs. He begins to play with my short brown hair. I fell asleep once again. I don't normally remember my dreams but,
This is one I'd never forget..

(A/N) I hope y'all got the flour joke. It's the wrong flour because Cakey's song is sung by flower so I thought it was kinda funny.

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