Dinner with Chris and Kenneth at 2 am

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(Kenneth POV)
I felt kinda bad for letting Christopher have dinner with us. Then again, what would've happened if I did say no? Would Clai-Arc get hurt because of me? Would he hurt me? I was so lots in thought I didn't notice what was happening. "Kenneth," Arc waved her hand in front of my face. "You alright?" Arc asked. "I-I'm fine, thanks." I replied, Arc has walked away from the dining room table to the kitchen, Chris followed soon after. Since there was no door to the kitchen from the dining room, I saw everything. He was touching her waist. Arc clearly hates it but knew that if she resisted she would've gotten hurt again. Chris whispered something in Arc's before making himself some dinner. Arc had walked to sit next to me. "Kenneth," she looked at me with an 'imma kill u' face. "What did you and Chris do upstairs?" She asked. I wasn't shocked by what she asked, I already know Chris is trying to through me under the bus. "We just spoke about-well nothing really-it was mostly just us introducing ourselves" I said, she slipped her hands into mine. I blushed and so did she. "Don't believe everything he says, okay? That's the one thing I wish I knew before summoning him." She looked at me with such neediness, like I needed to abide her warning. I nodded.
(Arc POV)
Christopher's word we're still in my mind, bouncing back and forth like a rubber ball. "Kenneth is a bad man, you know. He tried to kill the entire planet with a tv broadcast." I went to Kenneth and warned him to also warn myself.
After a couple minutes of silence Chris returned with his dinner. I was so tired I could barely make out what it was. Kenneth and I ate our noodles until Chris made conversation..
"So, 'Arc', are you planning to take Kenneth to high school with you? I was thinking and he could pass as an 'exchange student'"
Curse Chris's persuasion ability and Kenneth's tiny brain.
"Wait, you're in high school? Like high school , high school?" He said with much excitement in his voice. I swore I heard Chris giggle a tiny bit at Kenneth's stupidity. "Yes, I was THINKING about taking him." I said, emphasis on THINKING.
After dinner, Kenneth and I went back up to my room to summon Cakey, or the one girl from the poster. When I got into my bed, I immediately hooked my phone to my speaker and blasted the music. "Does it have to be so loud?" Kenneth asked, though I could barely hear him. I nodded my head.
At the end of the song, Kenneth had fallen asleep. Finally, the song is over, I thought. While waiting for Cakey to pop out, I fell asleep.
I was woken up by two people shaking my arms. I knew one was Kenneth, but who was the other? I slowly opened my eyes to see Kenneth and Cakey at my sides.
"Mornin' Arc." Kenneth said..

(A/N) Notice how I put 'Arc' in quotation marks when Chris calls Arc, well Arc? Well, because isn't her really name! Claire is her real name, when she changed it, Chris didn't bother to call her Arc unless someone was at their home. And yes Arc and Chris live together.

(DISCONTINUED) Summoner (Kenneth Simmons Story)Where stories live. Discover now