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It was pitch black outside, when riley finally snuck out. she usually would ask her grandma to go out, and she'd say yes, but she didn't feel right asking her tonight. because she'd probably asked what she planned on doing, and then she would have to lie..

because how was she supposed to explain, that she was sneaking onto private property to either uncover, or pin murder on someone. exactly. she couldn't.

the grand trio, of stiles, scott, and riley, pulled up in front of derek's old, ruined house, quietly, as they watched him leave. as the three teens climbed out of the jeep, riley wondered how on earth did derek manage to live in this place. it was a health infraction waiting to happen. or a death claim. half of the building was missing, and the other half was boarded up with wooden planks, like a vacant crime scene.

scott grabbed two shovels, and threw one to stiles, who caught it. he handed riley the torch, since she was on lookout, just in case derek came back.

the werewolf beside her, sniffed the air in confusion as he spoke up. "wait. something's different."

"different how?" riley remarked in confusion, as she held the torch up high, in front of them.

there wasn't anything around except for dirty and bushes. "i don't know." scott finally declared. "let's just get this over with." he sighed. he walked, to the side of the house, all the way towards the end before stopping. riley stood in leggings, and an oversized harvard hoodie, shivering.

"hold still." scott screeched lowly. "sorry, it's cold." riley replied, as she held the torch straight. twenty minuets later, the three had barely made any progress. the boys were panting, and sweaty, while riley was just freezing her ass off.

"this is taking too long." scott groaned, lifting up more dirt with his shovel, and throwing it over his shoulder.

"yeah. now remember that next time, you want to dig up someone's yard, in search of a dead body." riley hissed in annoyance. "just keep going." stiles muttered, not wanting to hear the two's arguing. they bickered like siblings. they practically were.

"what if he comes back?"

"play dead?"

"then we get the hell out of here." stiles corrected, while looking at riley in confusion. "what if he catches us?"

"i have a plan for that." stiles responded, as he stopped digging. "you run one way, riley and i run the other. whoever he catches first? too bad."

riley chuckled as scott looked annoyed. "i hate that plan."

stiles didn't respond, he just dug his shovel back into the ground, scooping up more dirt, when it suddenly hit something. riley raised her brows in confusion, as stiles warned scott to stop. she moved the torch forward, shining it over the object.

scott and stiles began digging rapidly, with their hands, coming across some ropes. "hurry." scott hissed. "i'm trying!" stiles exclaimed. "did he have to tie the thing with like nine hundred knots?"

scott sighed , before speaking. "i got it."

he began to help, the two of them quickly getting the knots undone. riley squinted her eyes, as they pulled away a material, which was covering whatever was buried. as soon as riley saw it, she gasped, and wished they had never come. the three teens screamed loudly, as the boys jumped out of the hole revealing a dead body.

only, it wasn't human. it was the dead body, of a dark haired werewolf.

"what the hell is that!" stiles screamed in fear.

"it's a wolf." scott replied, as if it was obvious. "yeah, we noticed." riley spat in response, as he tried to stop panicking, and control her breathing quietly. "i thought you said you could smell blood? as in human blood?"

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