BTS Dark Angel Hoseok Happy Ending

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Trigger warning: In this chapter self harm is mentioned. If you feel uncomfortable with this sort of topic, feel free to skip.


- Next night -

You woke up in your bed and saw some dark rose petals on your bed. You know that it was Hoseok but you still wonder, why? Why you?
You wanted to know why he got so obsessed with you, especially in such short amount of time.

You fixed yourself and went out of your room. You looked around your whole house but you couldn't find him, which made you even more confused. So, you called out to him.

"Hoseok!? Where are you??"
"You called? ~"

He suddenly appeared behind you and hugged you. Immediately, you turned around and pushed him away from you.
He did let go of you but he had this smirk on his face that just said that you can't escape from him.

"I.. I need to talk to you, it's something important."
"I'm listening~"
"I want an explanation. Why me? Why are you so.. So.. Obsessed with me? "
"Obsessed is such a harsh word.. I'd rather call it protective~"
"It doesn't matter what you want to call it, please just tell me why.."

He came closer to you and said it's nothing you should be worried about but that answer didn't satisfy you and it also made you a bit frustrated.

"Hoseok, just tell me the truth! Otherwise.. Otherwise I will hurt myself! And since you're soo protective of me, you wouldn't want that right!? "

Of course you wouldn't hurt yourself. You didn't know how you could get him to talk but after you 'threatened' him, his grin faded and his eyes widened. You knew that you managed to hit a spot. But you weren't too sure if it was good or not.

"What..? What did you say? "

His eyes were filled with sadness and fear and his voice was shaking. Now you knew that what you said was something you should've thought about twice. Before you could answer him, he held you by your shoulders and looked you deep in the eyes.

"Please, don't! You can't! Not you! I don't want to see it, let alone be the reason for it!"

His grip was tight but gentle at the same time. You were sure that he's hiding something. Something in his past that he doesn't want to witness again.
You noticed how his eyes got teary and he hugged you again this time being very gentle with you as if you could break any moment. You could hear his sobs and small whispers.

"Please.. I don't wanna see something like that again.. I'm sorry for everything.. But please don't.. Don't hurt yourself.."

You managed to get him to loosen his arms around you and this time you were the one looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. But please just tell me. What happened?"
"I.. A few years ago.. I took care of a young girl. She was beautiful, warm hearted and the kindest human I have ever met. But the world was so cruel to her. I tried to help her, sometimes putting a smile on her face, giving the feeling of being loved and appreciated. She wanted to be alone sometimes and I let her. To give her space. But the love I tried to give, wasn't enough to save her.. She ended it.. I couldn't do anything.. I wasn't there.."

He broke down, falling to his knees. Crying and sobbing while remembering the girl he couldn't save that time. You crouched down to him and you couldn't do anything else but hold him. You tried your best to calm him down. You don't even want to imagine how he must be feeling right now. But one thing you do know is that, you just feel awful for making him remember that awful moment in his life.

You let go of the hug after you heard his sobs going quite. You held his head up to make him look at you again.

"Hoseok, I'm sorry for making you remember.. What happened to you was awful and I definitely don't want it to happen to you again.. I promise, I won't leave you.."

You gave him a kiss on the forehead and you felt how he got more and more relaxed. After you wiped his tears away, he looked at you with big eyes again. He seemed more like a lost, little boy to you at the moment which made you smile at him a little bit.
He gave you another hug and you could hear him whisper a thank you which just melted you heart even more.


I finally got it done!
I'm sorry that you had to wait for it for a longer amount of time. 😅

I really hope you enjoyed this part~

Next part: Namjoon

See ya~ 💜

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