Episode 4: Journey to the Misty Bog

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Spyro was talking to someone in his room as he was talking to himself.

Spyro: "I got the ring for Cynder, now all I have to do is find a perfect quiet spot for me and Cynder to enjoy our honeymoon and promote her to be my mate. But the only problem is, I don't if I can do this. What if my friends need me for the mission? What if I'm late for the date because I told her we're going out for a date? I do not know what to do. That's why I ask you. What should I do?"

Then shows Beeple projecting Expo as they listen.

Expo: "Well, my calculation tells me you need a plan. First, You tell your friends that you may not be part of the mission. Second, Find a good spot where there is quiet with no one around. Third, Make sure you hold on that ring so you won't forget it. And Fourth, Enjoy your honeymoon and promote her to be your mate."

Spyro: "But what if the mission is kinda awesome and I want to join in?"

Expo: "Then tell them, you are having a date with Cynder."

Spyro: "But-"

Expo: "A-a-a-a.... You can do this. Talk to them, but don't get excited about the mission."

Spyro: "Okay, I'll talk to them that I'm going out with Cynder. And find a perfect spot. Don't you worry, I'm not gonna get excited about the mission."

As he left his room, Beeple and Expo looked at each other and thought he may go on an exciting mission. And Beeple agreed with him.

Expo: "You read my mind."


Spyro arrives at the Academy and sees Buzz's Team standing there. Buzz sees him as he was surprised.

Buzz: "Good morning, Spyro. How are you today?"

Spyro: "Good, just tired. Why are you guys here for?"

Gill Grunt: "Because we're going on a mission, with you guys."

Spyro: "Me and my friends?"

Flameslinger: "Master Eon is sending us to find... the Water Fragment."

Spyro: "The Water Fragment? He found it?"

Buzz: "No, he knows its location from the island."

Spyro: "Oh, well. Can you tell Master Eon that I-?"

Bash: "And it's at the Misty Bog, in the Marsh Ruins. It has a series of ruins half sunken in an extremely humid bog and always covered in disorienting mist."

As Spyro thinks about it, he was now excited about the mission.

Spyro: "Sounds cool." As he joined in and forgot about what he was gonna tell them.

Then Gill Grunt asked him something that he was gonna ask them.

Gill Grunt: "What were you going to ask us to tell Master Eon?"

And then Spyro turns around and tells them.

Spyro: "That....... I was going on a mission with my friends." As he lied.

At the Underworld, Silther was decreased to Villa for failing to retrieve the Earth fragments.

Silther: "You suppose to retrieve the fragments you fool. Why did you go after them if you haven't picked a fight with the Golden Queen?"

Villa: "My Maker, she is to be blamed for ruining my beauty. Calling me, a buggy."

Silther: "I don't care who needs to be blamed, but now's not the time. The Skylanders have two elemental fragments and we only have one. I built you to become my warrior, not to work with someone. Now do your best and please, do not fail your mission, understood?"

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