Episode 9: Friends Betrayal

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Overtron was pretty upset that Targer, Gulper, and Formeleon failed to retrieve the last fragment and it's now in the hand of Skylanders.

Overtron: "You, imbusult! You let them escape with the Air fragment."

Targer: "I'm sorry, my Supreme Intelligent, we been trying to escape until Gulper slow us down."

Gulper: "Hey! I say, I'm sorry for-"

Overtron: "SILENCE!!!" As he quiet Gulper.

Then Gulper became quiet without talking.

Overtron: "I have no words for you three for failing me. They already have five fragments and we only have three. Our percentage of collecting the fragment is now thirty-three percent. Return to your group. And Formeleon, stay here."

They nodded as Targer and Gulper left and Formeleon stayed, waiting for his orders.

Overtron: "Formeleon, I'm not mad at you because of your failure. I'm mad that you didn't bring it to me."

Formeleon nodded to him as he understood.

Overtron: "Yes, you do understand me. And Silther."

Then Silther appears right besides Formeleon.

Silther: "Indeed, my Supreme Intelligent." As he bowed to him.

Overtron: "You two did everything to help me to survive and succeed. And for that, I have an idea to weaken the Skylanders. So listen carefully to my intelligent plan, Formeleon."

Formeleon and Silther nodded as they then listened to the plan. And Malefor was camouflage in plain sight as he spies on them and wonders what plan they're doing.

Malefor: "Whatever you three are planning, I will figure it out."


Master Eon was grateful to his team that they got the last fragment from the snowy mountain.

Master Eon: "You all did great for finding five fragments. Now we can figure out where Overtron is and stop him once and for all."

Jet-Vac: "But we don't know where he is and his armies. We searched wide and found nothing. No base, no camp, nothing."

Master Eon: "Well, he may try and hide from his weakness. But today, we have weakened him by retrieving the fragments. With them in our possession, there is no chance for him to rebuild the mask now."

Stealth Elf: But we didn't have all of them yet."

Master Eon: "Correct, he only has three of them and we have five. There's no chance he can get them. And I'll put them somewhere safe where he can never look for them. And in the meantime, why not take a break from finding all the fragments."

Stealth Elf: "But-?"

And then Spyro pauses her.

Spyro: "I think that's a good idea. Take a break. I mean, my wings are tired from flying around in circles and battling villains. I do need a break. So, I'll be heading home and take a long nice nap. Just don't wake me up."

Then he quickly flew away as his friends believed that he's just going back for Cynder.

Eruptor: "Lover boy." As he smiles and rolls his eyes.

Just as they were about to leave, Hugo came in a rush, holding a letter.

Hugo: "Master Eon! You got an invention from Persephone."

Master Eon: "My old fairy friend?" As he takes the letter from Hugo and reads it. "Dear Master Eon, I have invited you and your family, Kassondra, Aurora, and Kaos, to my party because one of my fairies reported to me about the Cyber-Empire's location. Be there, and please don't bring your Skylanders because my village needs to be safe and not to be suspicious. From, your old friend, Persephone, the Fairy Queen."

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