Episode 8: The Call of Wild Storm

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     The Team Spyro were on the Dread Yacht as they were heading somewhere where they could find the last fragment.

Flynn: "So what does this fragment look like? Does it have some sort of power that makes you become an elemental master?"

Stealth Elf: "Yeah you can say that. But it's only an Air fragment that we're here to find."

Flynn: "Okay, got it. And Calli, are you sure you wanted to go to the coldest place?"

Cali: "Of course, Flynn. I only wanted to see what the place really is. And you, just making yourself brighter."

Flynn: "Hey, I always do make myself brighter." As he then makes himself mighty.

Cali: "Alright, mighty Flynn, don't make yourself brighter." As she smiled and rolled her eyes.

And Flynn laughs. While they were talking, Stealth Elf was looking and saw Blades and Whirlwind, who join their adventure because of Expo's permission, with Spyro. She listened to them as they were telling how Expo was doing.

Spyro: "So you two saw him as he was doing Hip hop dance?"

Whirlwind: "Yeah, we spot him doing it. Can't believe Beeple accidently projected him on purpose." As she giggled.

Blades: "And we laughed so many times that our laughs grew harder."

Spyro: "Haha, I could imagine him doing it in front of his kids."

Blades: "Yeah, and I think you do the same thing too when you have kids."

Spyro: "Hey, don't compare me with him."

Whirlwind: "Well you will."

And Blades and her laughs as Spyro made a frown expression. Then Stealth Elf walks up to them and speaks.

Stealth Elf: "Are you guys talking about Expo?"

Whirlwind: "Yeah. Well it's kinda funny with Beeple helping us laugh."

Stealth Elf: "He sure does. He's still funny when he's around."

Spyro: "And a good friend. We could have brought him along."

Stealth Elf: "I think he will be better to stay with Master Eon. Just to help Kassondra."

Spyro: "I guess you're right. But I do like the little guy."

Stealth Elf shook her head and smiled.

Stealth Elf: "Come one, let's just focus finding the fragment."

They agreed as they continued focusing on the mission. But they were followed by Razor Claw as it continued following them.


     At the snowy island, Target, Gulper, and Formeleon were setting a base for the Cyber-Empire so they could climb the mountain on foot.

Gulper: "Wow. So we're gonna climb up the mountain on foot?"

Targer: "Yes, if you're scared to climb the deep snow?"

Gulper: "I'm not scared. I'm just.... Stretching."

Targer: "I know you don't want to climb, because you need soda to get bigger. But I have him to get us up there." As he shows him to Formeleon.

Formeleon was busy setting up a base camp with his tentacles as the Cyber-Warriors helped.

Gulper: "Yes, you have to bring him along."

Targer: "Don't be afraid, you can stay here with them. I'm sure they need a big hand from someone like Doom Raiders."

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