Episode 1 Hidden Agendas

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"Heroes are made  in the hour of defeat. Success is, Therefore, well described as a series of glorious defeats"

Mahatma Ghadhi

"war, it never is easy to get over".

Unknown area

Unknown date

Unknown Time

Everyone gets effected by it, those who were in it and the ones who were even part of it. Chaos every turn you can look. There was smoke and ambulance noise

The war was over but came with a heavy price, many lives were gone, hidden sins were reveal, society was crumbling around the area. In the end who is the real winner in this war, the answer is nobody.

"The heroes who survive are either in need of medical emergency or what is happening around them and wanting to end their hero careers and the unfortunates will remember their sacrifice of this era" the cruelty of being a hero.

On a building a tall figure stare at the destruction around her, studying everybody movement as panic like ants on the ground.

"gazing on the destruction on the land, seeing hope falling into the area"

The figure give out a sinister grin, this figure has body of the spider on the bottom but she has human figure at the top.

She was a Aracahne.

Her eyes are pupiless with red as blood who looks, Hair color of ash that is blowing in the wind, wearing a lab coat that has sprinkles of blood on the bottom trim.

She had seen the ugly truth in heroism for so long but at last nobody would believe her even if she were to wave it in their faces, besides with a body like that people will assume she is a villain, well how right they are.

She found this amusing to her taste.

Widow: well, well, well it seems this is how all for one had described how will be. Now this will go down in history as the heroes have fail for the first time in the public eye.

Hearing her phone ring she picked up inside of her coat and answer it.

Widow: Is it ready.

Other side: Almost but found out about the new kids you wanted, I must ask are your sure with everything is going on do you want us to take these kids?

Widow: I'm positive its almost time to rock the boat even more we just have to wait a little longer for these three to be healthy then we will make the move.

Other side: Roger that (click)

Widow: (smiling evilly) its time to get to work.

She disappear from the scene.

Meanwhile on the other side of city where the corpse of Jin Budaigawara also known as Twice is laying, soon a figure in a hood came out of nowhere, coming up in a puff of smoke came close to the body looking at what's left of him then tears fallen down on his body.

Unknown: I'm so sorry I wasn't here to save you, (sobbing) please don't leave me too.

Crying their eyes, falling on their knees it was almost too much to bear seeing this with crying echo's the area wailing begin to fill the air , Then soon the figure took Twice's wristbands.

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