Episode 10 The final Assault

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" The harder the battle the sweeter the victory"


While the fight between the women and midoriya's intervention.

It was like looking at at ghost.

Aizawa Shouta couldn't believe what he was seeing, he put his hands on her shoulders gently and felt the sogginess of her scrub and his fingers can feel her hair.

She was real, she Is alive, She was right in front of him. After losing her something happen to him it was to describe but his feelings of her and  those memories were like remove and replace with something else, it was like she was replace by being friends to just acquaintances like for a while but soon when the years go by his memories suddenly kept changing he didn't understand any of this.

But that's for another day for talking about our memories and feelings. 

Aizawa: M-maki is that..What happen to you ?!

Tempest step back of his hold and gave him a death glare like a tiger getting ready to attack an innocent little lamb.

He didn't understand what was going on with her suddenly the rain stop but only where they were, he look around and when he came closer to her again he felt something on his back that made him flung away from her and far from the area and a little bit closer to UA area.

But manage to land on his feet with his prospected leg was wobble after shock and take a good look at his surroundings.

He was trap in a makeshift mounds of  Webs caging all around him, he spins himself to see no exit at all, Widow landed on the wall while dragging tempest like a doll homing in on him.

Aizawa:(confuse) When did she had time to do all of this.

Widow: You be surprise on what I can do.

Widow came landing with holding tempest by her shirt and threw her to the ground, Aizawa came to help her but she push him away and stand back up on her own.

Widow: Don't try to confuse her as she already is.(coming towards them) As you can see this is the first emotion I'm seeing so far.

His fist gripped.

Aizawa: What have you done to her!(Dark tone)

Widow: All I did was fix her up a bit, don't you think she looks better like this.

Aizawa gritted his teeth at this, she look worse then he ever seen her.

Widow: From what I heard is your students are trying to convince your(rolling her arms) Problem child to go back to UA well I doubt he would want to go back with a huge target on his back and well after what I did.

Aizawa: What did you do to him!

Widow: Let's just say it was like with the others, learning more about their flaws and traumas you know, isn't' a teachers job to know about or you that lazy to know about.

Aizawa then proceed to attack her but was stop tempest who kicked him in the stomach, he groan at the pain he was in and look up to see widow coming from behind her.

Widow: Don't try anything she is commanded to stop anyone that gets In my way although I am surprise how she manage to find you now even after all these years even, I must know how she did it?

Aizawa: W-w-w-hy(getting back up)

He was shaking a bit and a bit of drool came out of his mouth.

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