Episode 3 Welcome to newcomers

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"Prison experience puts distance between me and any person who hasn't been there, done that"

Patricia McConnell

The abandoned Asylum Unknown area

April 14th 5:30 am

It was dark and cold, the air was so hard to breath it was also moist as well. There was the sound of rain that can hear outside with thunder every now and then. The inside was chilly even though it was spring time.

Bakugou woke up with a splitting headache, clutching his head he open his eyes and saw he and todoroki are were on some medical cots inside a room that look a doctors room and soon notice he was wearing dark blue scrubs just like him. He got up and went over to todoroki giving him a rude awaking.

Bakugou: Hey Icy hot (shaking him but not being able to wake him) WAKE UP HALF AND HALF BASTERD.

Todoroki:(waking up groggily) What happen...where are we?

Bakugou:Do I look like I know where we are...tch dumbass.

Then suddenly the door came open came in was a black women with pale lavender hair in a Ghana braid, they can see bags underneath her purple eye in a half moon glasses that look a bit dirty also they see she is wearing the same scrubs as them but worn out and dirty.

Kojika: Hello you two must be the new batch let me check to you have any injury's on how she handle you and I'll leave you to yourselves.

She was acting like a professional they were shock to see how calm she is like this isn't her first time since she was wearing the same thing they are but it looks a little old and dirty plus she has bandages on her arms.

Bakugou: Um...Who the hell are you and What the hell is this place!

Kojika: Forgive me My name is Taira Kojika I usually help the newbies that first arrive here that spider doesn't even know meaning of delicate any way can I say you see one, Okay can see she was rough with you (figures) can I ask your names.

Bakugou:(grumbles) Bakugou Katsuki

Todoroki: Todoroki Shouto

Kojika was finishing up seeing they have claw marks on their arms and wrapping it up like a professional would do and then she lead them out the door.

Kojika: Ok now I am done with that I can let you too get the know place and others as well.

Todoroki: Others?

As the boys look out through the door they were bewilder of seeing different kids who look like they were same age as them as well, the buildings look a little clean but the air was getting colder and look run down, the boys walk down with kojika, each kid look unhealthy and all wearing scrubs as well.

Bakugou: What the hell is this place!

Kojika:(stop to look at them with a sad feature) we call this place the Asylum.

Inside the main Building

There was a small meeting with the drier with two other women in a small warden office where widow was looking over the new kids to see how to make use of this.

one of the women is tall with black curly hair wearing a powder blue performances one piece tapping her black short heels concealing her face with a butterfly mask her silver eyes make it look like a mirror and next to her was also a short women who was in a black bikini type to with a hood that covers most of her hair but can see a dirty blond, with black baggy pants ad combat boots she was tapping with her long black finger-less gloves what made her more mysterious is wearing a gas mask over her.

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