A Nightmare on Oakvale

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My name is Hovernyan. I am... a Yo-Kai. Nevertheless, I am going to say, this is a story that everyone shares. And it keeps on going, from Albion, to everywhere, no matter where you are.

It all started with a boy daydreaming to be a hero. And his father, Brom, tells him to wake up and do good deeds around Oakvale. He runs to explore and I teleport behind Brom.


"Ahh! Hovernyan," Brom gasps, "am I right?"

"Yes," I reply, "I am! Today is Theresa's birthday and I made her this. It's the Sweets Pact and the Animal Sweets. A rabbit shortcake, a squirrel pudding, a lion ice cream, a swan cream puff, a cat macaron, a dog chocolate, a Pekorin donut, a panda cookie and a hedgehog tart. And if you mix them, they give you sweets. For you to eat."

"Ohh, Hovernyan, you good friend of Theresa. Thank you." Brom smiles.

"You are welcome anytime. Besides, I know what I am doing. I help anytime."

"So Hovernyan. What are you gonna do today?"

"Celebrate Theresa's birthday. In Oakvale. I came here to celebrate." I explore the house and isn't it amazing? The house is wonderful. The sign says 'Happy Birthday Theresa! 🥳' and I smile so wide. "Wow, a good sign. I love it! Oh and by the way, I recognised that everyone gave presents to Theresa. That is... AWESOME!"

"It is." Brom winks at me. I give him a hug. My heart is beating so hard that I could hug him more. "So Hovernyan, you think the boy is doing good?"

"He is. People were happy to my son." Suddenly, the boy comes in our way!

"Well done, here's the gold for doing good deeds," Brom smiles at the boy, giving him gold. And then, he looks at me, "so Hovernyan, do you think we are gonna have a good time?"

"Yes," I wink, "because, Oakvale is a good place and Theresa will be glad to have more gifts. Such great day."

Suddenly, as we talk, people screams.

"Shoot! What happened." I yell.

"Bandits." Brom fume. We get into our positions. As bandits attack us, we fight back but Brom is no hero. So am I. Brom dies in front of my eyes by bandits. I furiously build up and throw balls of energy. And then I cry. But I have no choice.

I teleport to Maze and yell that there is something wrong to Oakvale.

Meanwhile, the boy survives and cries to his father. And as the bandit comes, Maze appears to shock him, taking the boy to the Lookout Point and then, the boy gasps, like he is finally get to be a hero. He looks around and see the magic. His vision of Oakvale burning is now gone and he can see colourful lights.

Finally, when in Lookout Point, the boy got nauseous from the teleportation powers. Maze took him to the Guild.

He met Weaver who tells the boy to go to his bedroom with Whisper. No! Not that Whisper who is a ghost! That Whisper who is a black skinned girl who I admire! This story took place 500 years before Yo-Kai Watch even started! Anyways, when the boy sits on the bed, he cries about Oakvale. The burning memories of his dad, mum and sister getting killed by the bandits. And yet, sees that he is one of the people of Oakvale to survive. Most of them are dead. Soon, I walk to the boy who is crying.

"Don't worry. I think your mum and sister will be fine. Don't cry," I whisper, "just get some early sleep and let your smile get wider for the next day. I know this day is bad for you but tomorrow, smile because you will be a Hero of Oakvale one day. Trust me," Then I put the boy to sleep, "you still have your casual clothes on but... sleep. Just know what you are doing tomorrow." He then sleeps. I turn around to the exit of the bedroom and I walk away quietly, just to not wake him up from his early nap till the next day. "Ahh, when will you be happy that when you graduate, I'll be with you? I know what heroes are. And I will be with you in Albion's adventure."

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