21| do anything

72 40 12

Dedicated to omlata18

It was a real good thing that Jessica had found out for herself how much she'd messed up, but Nana Yaa was sorry she found it out when it was too late though.

Well, life continues. After all, there's a saying that it's never too late. Perhaps Jess might get another chance somewhere.

Right now, she needed to see Max, to talk to him, to tell him how she was feeling. The heaviness in her heart as she thought about him was too great. Good gracious, she owed him, didn't she? She knew that if she tried to thank him, he'd say that's what friends are for. Hmm.

Would she have done the same?

The answer to that question was obvious, don't you think?

She thought of going up to the group of Presecans grouped yonder to check if he was with them. She sure knew she was with them; she'd caught a sight of a boy wearing glasses just like him.

He was unique, remember?

But she didn't go though. She thought she had to allow him to bask in his glory for a while.

To avoid further congratulations, she ducked behind a pillar and leaned against it, closing her eyes. She took deep breaths, rewinding all the events that had taken place for the past one week five days.

She could see a fair girl with jet black dreadlocks turning down the friend request of a tall, lanky girl with a beautiful dansinkran hairstyle. She could see the same girl in her nightie on a night, running, scared, into the arms of a dark silhouette. She saw the girl, being embarrassed by a group of boys at a canteen. The girl having breakfast with a boy, the girl sitting on a small boulder in a quiet setting, enjoying the act of breathing as the sun set.

She saw the girl having a peek with a friend at two lovers necking. She saw the girl being backed against a wall by that gorgeous boy in his office. She saw the girl sitting before a panel, answering questions, on the verge of fumbling and losing, and Maxwell's friend needed his help.

"...he tried his best..."

"...and even though he grew up to become a rich man, that dream of his still lives. He wants you to do what he couldn't do...to win this exams. I hope you won't let him down."

Had she been too selfish? Had she lured him with her sob story into offering this huge sacrifice?

"Not really. Yeah, it will make my parents proud... But that's not a big deal. But somehow, I need to make my school proud. They look up to me...you understand."

She caught the whiff of the woodsy scent again.

Congratulations. I'm so proud of you.

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