Author's Final Note

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This book is officially done!

I would like to thank all of you for supporting this book! To be honest, I didn't really expect that anyone would read this. Seeing this with 7k reads always seemed like a dream to me. Thank you for your comments, reading them has always made me want to do better. Thank you to the friends I've made along the way. I'm not really good at making friends, so having a lot online is overwhelming to me. Thank you really, for your kind words. Publishing a book was one of the best decisions I had this shitty year. 

Here are a few announcements, I would like to put out before ending this book: 

1. There will be a bonus chapter. It could be short, but really, it depends on my mood. 

2. This book will be under minor revision. The timeline is fucked up so I have to fix that. 

3. I will be focusing on Elite University now. It's a Bangpink book (check the tags if your ships are there) I already published the second chapter and would probably update next week.  

Thank you so much, everyone! Lots of love! Keep sailing fam and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  

Living the IDOL Life (COMPLETED/ UNDER MINOR REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now