Part Two. Chapter 12.

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At 6:30 I drove over to the school. I was the first there so I walked to the field and soaked up the feeling of being on the field. It was my place. I headed to the locker room to change into my football gear. I was surprised when I saw Austin and Hunter talking together.

"Hey, guys," I walked into their conversation.

"Oh hi," Austin moved to his own locker and grabbed his gear.

This being my last year here, Austin would take my place as Quarterback next year. Right now, he's the Fullback. I wasn't too happy about him taking my place but he was a wonderful player. Hunter and Chase were also Sophomores. Hunter is the Running back and Chase is the Linebacker.

"Y'all ready to play?" I went to my locker, trying to strike up a normal conversation.

"Yeah," Hunter replied. He was sitting on the bench looking at his phone. Austin said nothing.

"That Dixie?" I asked Hunter.

Hunter and Dixie were in a wonderful relationship. They went through some struggles but they've been strong ever since. They were happy and living their best lives together.

"Yes," he blushed a little. Austin looked away to his locker.

The rest of the team started flooding in and getting changed. We kept a steady conversation of the game and our future. I wasn't the only one graduating this year. There were about 5 others graduating with me and we had a good future set out for us.

"OK guys, huddle up," Coach called us over to do our usual huddle-up. He gives us a pep talk and sends us on our way to the field.

He gave us our pep-talk and we headed to the field. Almost all the seats were filled and the air smelled of popcorn and cotton candy. I breathed it in and ran into the field. The crowd went wild and I plastered a smile onto my face. The rest of the team followed and waved as well. I was excited to put my bottled up emotions into the game and play my best.

We won the coin toss and the whistle was blown. The ball landed in my hands in seconds. I sprinted to the end of the field hoping for a touchdown. Sadly, I was intercepted by another player but not before I was his face. Austin?

Was that Austin?

I threw the ball to Hunter and he drove it to the end zone without any interceptions, a touchdown. Six points for us. We lined up and the other team got possession of the ball. Their linebacker ran towards our end zone but he didn't get very far because I tackled him.

Man, that's going to hurt tomorrow.

We ended up winning the game and Tiffany was throwing a party. I chose to check it out once I've had some time to relax. I had a talk with Austin after the game. He ended up intercepting me, not once, but four times throughout the game. He's the Fullback and part of offense with me.

The conversation went over badly. It included yelling and Austin tried to punch me, I dodged it. He thought I was "overreacting" and "didn't know what the hell I was talking about." I am still pissed about it and my respect for him has completely drained. It ended by him slamming his locker door and storming out.

Now, I'm laying on my bed recalling the events of the past few days: me getting jumped by my sister's boyfriend, Dallas's dreams about Austin, catching Austin exchange something with Tucker and the football game. It all added up to something but I didn't know what.

My thoughts were pushed aside by the doorbell. I rolled off my bed and stumbled to the door. I scowled when I saw the person at the door.

"Give me one decent reason to let you in," I gave Austin my best death glare.

"Hello to you too, Cash," he walked past me into the kitchen. I followed him.

"Listen, I don't know what's up your ass but, right now, I don't want a thing to do with you." I said and leaned against the counter.

He scoffed. "I'm just here to get Dallas for the party, relax."

On cue, Dallas came bounding down the stairs in ripped jeans and a beige shirt. I sighed and greeted my sister.

"Have a good time tonight, Dallas." I gave her a small hug and she walked to the door, waiting for Austin.

"Don't worry, Mr. Grady! We'll be safe tonight." Austin said in a sarcastic tone and fake smile. I glared. Dallas rolled her eyes.

"Leave," I demanded.

They left and I stormed upstairs. I needed to do something that would take my mind off of Austin and his attitude. Football.

I texted Hunter to let him know I would be at the field if he wanted to throw the ball around with me. He agreed. I drove to the school and parked in the dark, empty parking lot. I was already feeling better.

Five minutes later, I let Hunter into the field. I had a key to the field from Coach. I carried the ball to the middle of the field and sat down.

"I thought we came here to play football," Hunter sat next to me.

"I know," I said with a sigh. All of a sudden, I was telling him about Austin and his issues.

"Oh," was Hunter's response and that was all I needed to get up and play.

"Okay, let's play."

And we did. We threw the ball, kicked the ball and wore it down. By the time we finished, I felt so much better. I felt like I knew how to handle this situation on my own. I grabbed my shirt, which ended up on the bleachers at some point in my rage. Hunter and I said our goodbyes and drove home.

I needed a shower badly. I let the warm water soothe my aching muscles and aching head. I was going to be really sore tomorrow. I wasn't going to waste my time thinking over my decisions. I washed myself and got out. The cold air hit me and made me shiver.

Per usual, I stared at myself and reminded myself who's in control. I grabbed some comfortable clothes and pulled them on. I left my blond hair wet because I was too lazy to dry it. I relaxed onto my bed and turned on my TV. I spent the next hour watching TV and eating. I decided to check out the party since it was a Friday night and I had nothing else to do.

I looked over my sweatpants and hoodie and decided to just go. I went downstairs and tugged on my tennis shoes. I left and arrived at the party fifteen minutes later. I've been to Tiffany's house more than once so I wasn't surprised to see the log-style house. It was two floors with four rooms and three bathrooms and a living room and kitchen.

The house was practically shaking with the loud music and people inside it. I sighed deeply and walked inside. The flashing lights and annoying music hit me immediately. People around me were staring at me, greeting me and dancing. I was offered drinks but I turned them down. I was here to make sure Austin wasn't going to leave Dallas again. I saw a flash of beige from Dallas's shirt and found her.

"Dallas," I smiled.

"Oh, Cash," she smiled back. There was no drink in her hand and her eyes were alive and sober.

Thank God she's sober.

"Have you seen Austin?" I asked her over the loud music.

"No, Cash," she answered, annoyed.

"Text me if you find him," I said and walked away to find him. I wandered around the party, pushing through people drinking and making out. Finally, I had enough and went outside. I took a breath of fresh air and savored it.

"Don't give me that shit."

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