Part Two. Chapter 8.

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Hello! Before you read Chapter Eight read this!

You have entered Part Two! Part Two will be in CASH'S PERSPECTIVE. It is CASH'S SENIOR YEAR. Which means it is DALLAS'S SOPHOMORE YEAR. I apologize if this is a bit confusing :)

Anyways! Enjoy Chapter Eight :)

"Hunter!" I called to my friend from across the football field. We were practicing laterals for our game tomorrow against Cliff High School. All the other team members had left. He turned his attention turned to me and threw his hands up, signaling for me to throw the ball. I threw the ball and he caught it. We threw the ball back and forth for a little while longer.

"I got to get home to Dallas," I referred to my little sister who was attending Lamberque High School as a Sophomore this year. We walked to where our bags and water bottles were placed.

"Dude, she's a Sophomore. I think she can fend for herself." Hunter took a sip from his water bottle. I shrugged and grabbed my bag. I didn't care what others said, I wanted to protect my sister. We walked to our trucks, the only ones in the parking lot. It was dark out other than the parking lot flood lights, lighting up our black trucks.

"See you later," Hunter called to me. I waved and jogged the rest of the distance to my truck. I turned the key and pulled out of the dark parking lot. The road home was dark other than my headlights lighting up the road. I drove through downtown; looking at Ellie's restaurant, the general store, a small clothing store, and Mr. Jud's Ice Cream Shop. They all were all a big part of our small town. I pulled up our driveway and parked in front of the log cabin style house.

I got out and walked inside. To the left was our living room with a modern TV, leather couch, my favourite loveseat and a bear rug that Dad shot when he was a kid. I looked in and saw Dallas sitting on the couch with her boyfriend, Austin. I wasn't a huge fan of him. Although I was a brother, I wasn't supposed to like him. I also thought it was hilarious that he seemed intimidated by me.

"Hey cuties," I said sarcastically, teasing them. Dallas gave me a dirty look and turned back to her conversation with Austin. I walked straight into the kitchen and went for the snack cabinet. I reached and got a bag of chips. As I was grabbing a Gatorade, I heard something I'd never heard before.

"Cash, we're going out," Dallas called from the door. The couple never went out, ever. I walked around the island to the door.

"Well, that's something I've never heard before," I teased with a grin. She rolled her eyes but I could see the smile playing on her lips. Austin stood with his hands in his pockets, looking at Dallas like she was an angel. I did admire how well he treated my little sister. I waved them off and went back to the kitchen for my craved Gatorade.

I grabbed my snacks and went up the wooden stairs to my room. The football trophies and medals all stared at me while I plopped down on my bed and turned on my TV. I realized I should probably take a shower so I rolled off my bed and took a quick shower. I stared at myself in the mirror for a second, something I do everytime I take a shower. It's become a habit. It's like I'm reminding myself of who I am and what I can do. So there I stood in my boxers, staring at myself in the mirror. I watched the steam from the hot water rise up off my broad, bare shoulders. Droplets fell from my blond hair onto the floor mat.

Suddenly, I got a text from Dallas. I picked my phone up from the sink counter and checked it.

Dallas: I cat find Aiston. Hve yu sees hom?

My blood ran cold. Hot anger rushed into me. She was drunk and left alone. Another text dinged.

Dallas: Oopsir Tat wasnt for yous

Me: Too late. I'm already coming.

She didn't respond to that. I was already pissed that Austin would leave her, drunk, in a sea of people she didn't know. I ran out of the bathroom, grabbing a pair of jeans I found laying around and a flannel on my bed. I ran downstairs and snatched my wallet and keys. I raced out to my truck and turned the key. I used Find My Phone to pull up Dallas's location. They were at a club a few towns over. My headlights made the road glow as I took a detour to save traffic. I watched my truck's clock tick, the time turning 10:10.

I arrived at the club ten minutes later. It was mushed between a small souvenir shop and a liquor store. The parking lot was full of BMW's and other expensive cars. I finally found an empty spot and pulled in. The brick building was lit up by flashing blue and purple lights. There were two guys in the front checking IDs. Luckily, they weren't paying much attention to who was going in, so I was able to sneak in. The second I walked in, I was hit by a wave of the scent of alcohol, bright lights and loud pop music. How do people stand this?

I waded through the crowd trying to find my sister. One of them came up to me.

"Hey there," she slurred. I would recognize this girl anywhere. My sister. Dallas stumbled into my side and grabbed my hand for support.

"Dallas, look at me." I knew she was drunk from the text so I took her

shoulders and lowered my head to look her in the eye.

"Cashy?" She cocked her head and drifted her gaze to something behind me. I followed her gaze behind and found relief.

"Everything alright, Cash?" Chase, the linebacker of the football team, asked.

"How many drinks have you had?" I jumped to the point. He seemed a little surprised by the question so I added, "Don't lie."

"None. I just got here." He responded, confused. I let out my breath.

"Thank God, you're driving my sister home." I demanded, determined to get her home safely.

"Oh okay," he walked past me to Dallas, who was swaying and laughing. He wrapped her arm around his strong shoulders.

"Thanks, man," I patted his free shoulder and started my search for Austin. I was already pissed that he would leave Dallas. I saw lots of guys with girls but none of them were Austin. I tried to look for his blond curly hair, the same as me. I was getting more mad by the second. I needed to get out of here before I caused some damage.

There was a back door that I used to get outside. It led me to a dark, spooky alley. I stepped down the concrete steps and looked around. It was pitch back other than a small lamp that lit up the door leading to the club. It took me a second to realize I wasn't alone.

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