Part Three. Chapter 23.

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I screamed and my parents and Cash rushed over to me. Cash looked at the text and growled under his breath.

"Time to explain," he said under his breath.

Five minutes later, Chase, Tucker, Cash and I were in Tucker's room and sprawled out around. His room looked like ours. I was sitting crossed legged on one of the beds with Chase sitting next to me. Tucker was laying on the other bed and Cash was sitting on the couch.

"So, start explaining now," I said.

"Okay. When you blacked out, I ended up finding defense mode and I punched Austin right in the jaw. It made him really mad. His men almost killed Tucker but Tucker survived and is clearly here. Cash basically knocked both of the men out. I was about to carry you away when Mr. Bennett showed up." Chase started.

"He took them in his police car to the station and we were sent to the hospital. The fight was pretty brutal." Cash finished.

"So, they could be locked up or running the streets." I placed my spinning head in my hands. It wouldn't stop spinning.

"I– I guess. Yeah," Tucker stuttered.

I pulled out my phone and called the number Mr. Bennett gave us if we needed to reach him for help.

"Hello?" he answered on the third ring.

"Did y'all catch Austin and his gang?" I didn't wait for introductions. He knew who I was. I put him on speaker.

"We did," he said proudly. "They're being questioned right now. Are y'all okay?"

"Yeah, all of us are injured in some way but we're okay," Chase answered for me.

"Okay. I'll let y'all know what happens next with these guys," he let us know. We all exchanged "goodbyes" and "get well soons" and hung up.

For a whole minute, we sat in silence before I started laughing. I didn't know what was funny. I couldn't stop. Soon, Chase was laughing and I was falling into his side from the pain coming from my side.

"What–" Tucker joined us.

Pretty soon, we all were laughing so hard tears were rolling down our cheeks. The thing was, we couldn't stop. When one of us would say something, we would laugh harder. It felt so good to have happy emotions.

Finally, the pain in my side was unbearable and I had to stop.

"Oh, shit. I don't even know what was so funny," Chase says through chuckles as we all calmed down.

I fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Everything was really going to be okay. The text came back to me and I sat back up.

"I got a text," I told the group. "It was from Austin. It said 'This isn't over.'"

"Well, he's in jail so I wouldn't worry too much about it," Cash reassured me from the couch.

I just nodded.

"I'm exhausted. I'm going to head back to my room. See y'all in the morning." I got up from the bed and grabbed the card that would get me into the room.

"Want me to walk you there?" Chase suggested.

"Please, I might need someone to lean on," I smiled at him.

"Alright, be right back." Chase and I got up from the bed and walked out of the room. The walk to the room was short but it felt long with Chase. I wanted it to be long.

When we arrived at my door, we hugged and I started to open the door when Chase pulled me extremely close to him. I could feel his breath on my skin. I knew what was about to happen and I felt giddy. I've dreamt about this moment.

"Chase," I breathed and looked right into his deep blue eyes.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Butterflies flew to my stomach and he pulled away before I could wrap my arms around him.

"Good night, Dallas," he said and winked.

My body heat increased about one thousand degrees and I smiled like an idiot. Somehow, I was able to enter the room, talk to my parents, crawl into bed and fall asleep.

Today was a whirlwind that I could barely wrap my head around. One certain event made it perfect.

There were still so many questions but I knew everything would play out in the end. I knew it would.

My phone buzzed again. I looked at it,

Austin: It's not over. Not until you're with me, baby.

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