Part Three. Chapter 18.

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Everything hurt. My body was sore and I felt broken. I spent yesterday reading and crying and more reading and more crying. I knew I should probably toughen up and do something active.

"Dallas! Time for school," Cash called up to my bedroom.

I rolled out of bed, swallowed the sick feeling in my stomach, took the quickest shower I've ever taken, dragged on jeans and a shirt and went downstairs.

"Woah, you look bad," Cash said once I sat down on a stool in the kitchen.

"I feel sick," I told him.

He came over and felt my forehead. "Well, that would explain things. You're warm. I'll get Mom."

"Thanks," I said.

He ran up the stairs to Mom and Dad's room. Usually, Dad leaves early to write in his study a few minutes out of town and Mom works from home. She has her own study room next to Cash's room. Mom and Cash came down the stairs.

"Hey, sweetie. Oh, Cash is right, you look terrible." Mom sat on the stool next to me and took my hand. "Cash, can you grab the Tylenol and thermometer from your bathroom? Thank you."

"Of course." He headed up to his room and I placed my head in my heads, trying to keep my head from spinning.

Finally, Cash came back down with the products Mom asked for. She thanked him and ruled out two tablets for me to swallow. Cash gave me a glass of water and I swallowed the pills. She also took my temperature which was high.

"Take two every six hours. I'll call the school and give you one day off," Mom told me.

"I'll tell Tucker and Chase to bring over your stuff," Cash added.

The boys were in all of my classes. I cringed at the mention of Chase's name. I was still angry with him.

"Thanks," I let out. My voice was sore and I was achy. Mom hugged me and told Cash and I the plan for the day which consisted of taking photos and getting groceries.

Cash left for school and I headed to the den. I picked up my book and started to read. I ended up reading the whole day.

"I'm home! Tucker and Chase are driving behind me so they should be here soon." Cash startled me with his voice in the den. I looked up from my second book of the day and nodded. Sure enough, Tucker and Chase came trudging in with my books and homework.

"Dallas, how are you feeling?" Tucker sat down next to me. I put my book down and looked at him. Today, Tucker was in jeans and a fitted shirt with a jean jacket. I couldn't look at Chase.

"Terrible." I didn't feel any better. I still was dizzy and felt sick. I haven't thrown up but I feel like it.

Chase set my books down and sat on the ottomen in front of me. We shared brief eye contact before I looked away. I realized it's been six hours since my last dose of Tylenol.

"I have to get the Tylenol," I told them and got up. I walked out of the den, up the stairs and knocked on Cash's door. He gave me permission to come in and I walked in.

"Hey, need the Tylenol?" I nodded and he went into his bathroom to grab it.

"Cash? Cash!" I yelled for him. He came out just as I ran inside the master bathroom. I gripped the toilet and threw up. I heard pounding on the stairs and people calling my name. One of them grabbed my hair as I emptied the contents in my stomach. I finished and fell into the person's lap. I hated throwing up.

At some point I fell asleep and was carried to my own room. I was happy to have my own bathroom because I was sick all through the night. I hated every minute of it. Eventually, I was able to get a few hours of sleep.

In the morning, I felt better and was able to go school. Mom still wanted me to stay home to make sure the bug was "one hundred percent" gone.

I spent the day the same as the day before– reading. I enjoyed it. Chase was the one who dropped my books and homework off today.

"Here're your books," Chase mumbled as he placed them on the ottomen.

"Thank you so much," I said and smiled, the best I could do.

He mumbled a "Yeah" and turned to leave.

"Wait, Chase. I want to talk," I said and grabbed his hand from my spot on the couch. He sat across from me on the couch and looked at his hands. It was awkward for me as well.

"I understand your point of view and I appreciate it but I need to handle this on my own." I finally spoke up.

"You're not finding Austin on your own. No way." He shook his head and looked me in the eye. "I want to help. Please let me."

"I have to, Chase," I whispered, fighting tears.

He shook his head and moved closer to me. "You have to let me help you. You don't know how dangerous Austin is. When he's in his dark moods, he's scary and set on murder. Please ... let me keep you safe."

I let the tears flow and nodded my head. I was done fighting. I just wanted to find him. He leaned over and hugged me. I sank into his embrace and cried into his chest. He stroked my hair and comforted me.

"We'll find him. I promise." Chase said into my hair.

I just sobbed harder.

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