Part Two. Chapter 13.

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"I don't want your shit."

I heard voices in the forest. Tiffany's house was in the middle of a forest. I wandered toward the voices but still kept a distance.

"Dude, don't do this. You're in one of those dark moods."

"I don't care."

I heard a knife click and a gasp. I stepped into the shadows and a twig snapped. Knife Guy didn't seem to hear because he brought the knife closer to the boy's neck. I saw their black shadows and stepped in.

"Don't let him," he gasped out.

"Get off of him," I demanded. I could see things clearer. Knife Guy had someone pinned against a tree with a sharp knife. It didn't look like any blood was drawn. I pulled out my phone and turned Flashlight on. My heart stopped.

Austin. Him. Holding up a Freshman by a knife.

"Austin, you're so busted," I said with a humorless laugh.

He released the boy and walked towards me with the knife. There was a drop of blood on the knife.

"Am I?" he said with a dangerous look on his face. The knife was glistening from the light coming from my phone.

"He's in a dark place right now, Cash." The boy gasped out. He was small and weak. I was disgusted with Austin. I didn't question how he knew my name because the whole school knew me.

"Run," I mouthed to the Freshman. He stumbled up and ran off. I didn't say anything after that. I just grabbed Austin and pulled him to the light, where I could turn off my phone's flashlight and talk to him normally. Well, talking to Austin was never going to be normal.

"Well, I would ask what's goin' on but that seems to be a strange question at the moment." I said once we were away from the crowd and in front of the house.

"Really?" he still looked dangerous and I took the knife from him so no one would be in the hospital tonight. Unless it's a mental hospital.

"Get into my truck. Now." I forced him. Surprisingly, he got in and I drove off. My anger seeped through me and onto the road. I pressed on the gas.

"So where are we going? Where's Dallas?" Austin asked with a happy tone. It aggravated me.

"A therapist and with Chase." I made sure Dallas had a ride home before I left with Austin.

"NO!" He yelled. I didn't even blink.

"Yep!" I mocked his, now gone, happy tone.

"Pull over! I want to get out. I can't go!" I could hear the thick emotion in his voice. I ignored him and kept driving. The nearest mental health therapist was about ten minutes away from town. Since our town was so small, it wasn't actually in town.

"Austin. You're in a dark place and ... it's dangerous." I told him, trying to keep my voice calm.

"You're not my parents, you can't make me!"

The whole way, he made up reasons why he can't go and I can't make him. It was easy to tune him out.

"OK, Austin, we're here. Please, please, please don't make me drag you out of the car." I acted like I was taking a kid to school and they didn't want to go.

"Okay, daddy," he said in a childish voice.

I didn't get out of the car. He didn't either. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I didn't really want him to actually go in. But I really think he needs to talk to someone.

"Let's go home."

I drove him home and relaxed on my bed. I ended up falling asleep and not hearing Dallas come home. When I woke, it was still dark out and I could hear mumbling coming from the kitchen.

"He's acting strange and I'm worried." Dallas.

"I'm sure he's just stressed out with school and football." Tucker.

She must have gone home with him instead.

I couldn't tell if they were talking about me or Austin. It was hard to hear so I cracked my door open, careful not to make a noise.

"I hope you're right," she sighed sadly. "I miss my boyfriend."

I was thankful that they weren't talking about me because I really didn't want to explain what's been going on. It was tough enough not to tell Dallas all about her psychotic boyfriend.

"Maybe you should talk to him," Tucker suggested.

"I guess, thanks for taking me home."

I heard them hug and exchange a few other words that I couldn't hear. Then, I heard the door close beyond Tucker. Footsteps climbed the stairs and opened Dallas's door. Our rooms were next to each other so I heard her get into bed and sigh deeply. Soon we both fell into a deep sleep.

"Cash, are you ready?" Austin had a girl against a tree with a knife. We were in a dark forest. I couldn't see a thing.

"No!" I didn't see who he was going to kill but I needed to stop him.

"Don't let him." My own sister croaked out.

Austin took the knife to her throat and slashed it. Red blood sprang out. I was numb.

"Dallas! Please, Austin, listen to me!" I yelled.

He laughed and went for another slash.

I blacked out.

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