Part Three. Chapter 22.

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So I did. I slept for quite a while. I don't know how long I slept but when I woke I felt so much better. I was still in pain but I could just barely talk and move in the bed. I found out I was in the hospital and the boys were in their own hospital rooms and doing okay.

"Hey, honey, how do you feel?" Mom and Dad had stayed with me until I woke up.

"Alright." I really didn't. My head was spinning and I couldn't see straight. I had an extremely painful side stitch that was eating at me. I still surveyed the room.

The walls were white with a huge window to my right that looked over the city. I was still in Austin. There was a TV playing some news station. In front of the huge window, there was a couch, which was where Mom was sitting.

"Hello Dallas! How are you feeling today?" A lady walked in the room and pulled a chair to my left and sat on it. She had bushy brown hair and was tall and lean.

"Okay," I told her with a shaky breath.

"I'm Doctor Faith. I'm going to take your vitals real fast." She had a southern accent and it almost soothed my pounding head.

She took my vitals in a matter of five minutes and left the room. It was a short visit but I wanted to know more. What happened to Austin and his gang? How are the boys? Are we even alive right now?

Dr. Faith arrived a few minutes later with another male doctor. This doctor was shorter, older and was carrying something in a plastic bag. I was curious by the bag. It looked like clothes. Were they my clothes?

"Hello! I'm Doctor Lance. I'm going to ask a few questions and give you a few answers." Dr. Lance smiled.

"Okay," I gave the two doctors a small smile but winced when the stitch in my side pitched at me.

"Let's start with the questions. Have you ever experienced a panic attack?" Dr. Lance asked.

"Once," I recalled the time at the park with Chase and Tucker when everything became too much and I lost my breath.

"Tell us about that."

I tried hard to keep my breath steady. I told him that I was working on a project with my friends and it became stressful and I blacked out. I had to push a few lies but he bought it. Dr. Faith wrote something down in her notebook.

"Alright, that's perfect. Now for the answers!" He said with a cheery voice. "You did have another panic attack. But you were also–"

"Stabbed," Dr. Faith answered for him.

That would explain the painful stitch in my side. I reached down to touch my side. My whole stomach was bandaged and one side was bloody. I couldn't look any longer.

"We don't know exactly how it happened as it was at least four inches deep but we stitched it up and you should go to your doctor to get it checked on. They should make the next step. We have informed them." Dr. Lance informed my parents and I.

My parents gasped and Mom started to cry. Dad slung an arm around her shoulder. She fell into his side and I just stared ahead. I knew exactly how it happened and I was mad.

When Austin and his men were closing in on us, Austin must've somehow sneaked and arm around Chase and stabbed my side. That must have been the sharp pain in my side when I blacked out. Chase, Tucker and Cash must have taken them down or Mr. Bennett showed up at the right moment.

"You are healthy enough to go but your friends still need a few more days. We'll send you home on a few medications to take. We understand that Austin is not your hometown." Dr. Faith said.

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