Part One. Chapter 4.

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I woke to my phone dinging with someone calling me. It was a strange number I didn't recognize. I pulled myself out of bed and checked the time. It was 5:47 in the morning. I answered the phone.


"Um hi, is this Dallas Grady?" Conner.

"Yeah, is this Conner?"

"Yeah, sorry. Did I wake you?" He asked.

"Yes, it's 5:50 in the morning."

"Sorry but I got news from the police-"

"You're associated with the police?"

"Yes. Anyway, they have his file, but they are not willing to share it. I think I have the authority to see it."

"Holy shit, really? That's great!" I was fully awake now.

"Yeah, I don't have the file, yet. So, don't get your hopes up. I can try to get it today. I'll call you if I get anything."

"Thank you so much, Conner."

"No problem. Have a good day." He hung up. I was fully awake now, there was no way I was going back to bed. I got out and went downstairs with the pocket knife. I checked for his fingerprints under the light of the kitchen. I turned it over in my fingers. All of a sudden, I found an imprinted message. Number One.

I was confused on what this meant. Number One. Number one of what? Is it mental? Is he reminding himself that he's number one? Was he really questioning his place? Or is there more, is there a Number Two? Even though it was 6:00 A.M., I texted Chase.

Me: I found something.

He texted back immediately.

Chase: What?

Me: On the knife, there's an imprint. Number One.

Chase: Hmm. I wonder what that means.

Me: Yeah. Talked to someone who runs a missing kids website. He's associated with the police. He's gonna try and get Austin's file.

Chase: That's great! He's legal, right?

Me: It sounds like it.

Chase: OK. Gotta go, see you at school.

Me: Yep, see ya.

By the time we stopped texting, it was time to get ready for school. I ran into Cash going up the stairs.

"How long have you been up?" Cash asked me, concerned.

"Since 5:47." I stated. He widened his eyes but continued down the stairs. I took a quick shower and pulled on my usual outfit: jeans, a plain shirt and a flannel. I walked back downstairs and sat at the table.

"Hey, did y'all find anything last night at the Renams?" Cash asked. I didn't tell him that Chase and I went to Austin's house.

"How did you know I was over there with Chase?" I questioned. I thought I saw a flash of concern but it could've been a hallucination.

"Oh, Chase told me." He recovered himself, returning back to the skillet. He sighed deeply.

"Oh ok," I said but I wasn't convinced. Was Cash involved with something? Does he know anything about Austin? Does he know where Austin is? No, there was no way. They hated each other, right? Austin was intimidated by Cash so why would they work together? I decided to just take a muffin and eat it in my truck. As I was pulling in, I saw a glimpse of Tucker. I remembered Austin's old phone. I parked and hopped out.

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