Part Two. Chapter 15.

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We played for one more hour before the guys drove off. Austin was still with Dallas and I intended to watch him more closely. He's getting more and more dangerous. He might have even killed someone already. No one knows and that's the problem. Nobody knows. On Monday, I want to talk to that Freshman. I want to find out what happened and what caused it.

I headed to my room to change into comfy clothes and go to sleep. I need a good night's sleep. Bad.

"Ah, Cash, just the person I was looking for!" I was surprised to hear Tucker's voice call my name as I was walking up the stairs.

"Tucker? What are you doing here? I thought Austin was over." I turned to face him.

"Oh, no. He left a while ago. Dallas texted me saying something about Austin and anger. I wasn't sure what she meant so I came over. She told me she saw Austin talking to y'all with an object pointed at one of you."

"Shit. Uh, I don't feel like explaining but Austin's in a bad place right now. He's dark and dangerous," I told him.

"Oh," was his quiet response.

"Just keep a close eye on him." I started to head upstairs but something made me stop. "And watch Dallas for me."

"Of course," he nodded.

"Thanks," I said and headed up to my room. I found a pair of sweatpants and put them on. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I drifted into a restless sleep.

I woke up normally this morning. I was in my own bed and I wasn't sweating or panting. Sundays are usually the days I sleep in, eat and relax. Today I was going to do exactly that.

I hopped out of bed and went into my master bathroom. My blond hair was disheveled and I had dark circles under my eyes. I took a longer shower than usual to wake myself up. I pulled on black Nike sweatpants and a white shirt. I carried myself down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom, Dad, Dallas and Austin were all standing around the island talking and laughing.

What is Austin doing here?

"Hello," I greeted my family timidly. "What's going on here?"

Everyone turned to look at me. I took a seat at the empty school next to him. I really didn't want to but I didn't feel like standing.

"Oh! Good morning, Cash. We were just having a chat." Mom informed me.

I smiled with a confused look towards Dallas. She gave me a nod, telling me everything is fine.

"Nice," I said and looked at my hands.

The conversation continued and I tried to include myself but was hard to when a psychopath was sitting next to me. He acted the same way he acts around anyone. It almost bothered me. There was something so crazy underneath him and he could just go on with his day like a "normal" human. I needed to leave.

"I gotta go, bye y'all!" I smiled and gave Austin a quick warning look before going outside. I realized I didn't have my keys to my truck. I decided to go for a run.

"Cash, wait!" Someone called after me.

I turned and saw Austin at the front door. "What, man?"

"I thought about what you said about the therapist." Austin walked toward me. I stood taller.

"Really?" I said with a hint of surprise and hopefulness in my voice. I really hoped he wanted to get help for his dark moods.

"I don't think I need it. I think I can change. I really think so." 

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