Important Notice (because the messageboard isn't working)

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(Adree here, and I make this distinction because all the judges now have access to this account and can reply to you if they want)
Alright guys, I have some news!
SO, the judging reviews are still in the process of being posted, but I just wanted to let you guys know that this round, "Round One" was really meant to be a reality check. We can't honestly judge the quality of a story based off of one chapter, and I thought everyone should know that every story has made it through to round 2, (the *real* Round One). I asked the judges to be as harsh and brutally honest as they wanted to be, and to not pad their reviews with fluff for the sake of making the writers feel better. This is a competition. No favoritism, no fluff, no bullshit. 
Now, that being said, we realize that we may have been a little too harsh right out of the gate, but we did that on purpose to try and light a fire under your asses and make you strive to be better in round 2.  That's why everyone is getting a second chance, so you can take the comments you've been given, good or bad, and then go onto to round two and kick ass. Make us sorry we ever said anything less than positive about your story. We are going to continue to post our reviews for all the stories, but know that no matter how bad your score, or how brutal the comments, you have a second chance to make it better. 
We are going to strive to make our comments more constructive in the next round, but they are never going to be rainbows and cupcakes. I hand picked the people I did because I trusted them to give their honest opinion at all times, no matter whose story we were reading. Their jobs are not to praise your story, they are there to judge it. We respect you all as writers too much to coddle you and pretend like we love everything you do for the sake of your feelings. Again, this is a competition, and if I picked people who were going to fluff up their results for the sake of not stepping on any toes, then everyone would get 100s on everything and we would never have any winners or loser. This is the big leagues, okay? Act like it. Make your stories look like it. Don't take your reviews personally, let them make you better. Make us eat our words in Round Two.

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