Round One: "Blackened Hearts by KHgirl13

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Blackened Hearts


The Final Verdict 

Spelling and Grammar (5): 2.3

Character Portrayals and Story Canon (15): 6.7

Writing [Dialogue, description, etc] (20) 9.2

Plot (30) 15.2

Fan Votes [should be the same for every judge] (10): 9.8

Judges Vote (20) 8.53

Total: 51.7


Individual Judges' Votes and Comments 


Spelling and Grammar (5): 2

Character Portrayals and Story Canon (15): 5

Writing [Dialogue, description, etc] (20): 15

Plot (30): 18

Fan Votes [should be the same for every judge] (10) 9.8

Judges Vote (20): 11

Total: 60.8

Additional Comments: When it came to spelling and grammar, the spelling was fine, at least as fine as most people can do. But, what is with the run on sentences? I counted three of those things, and I just couldn’t. And, let’s not talk about the fact that, when it comes to this chapter as a whole, all you’re doing it talking about “dark is bad. there are some people that are bad. ...dark is bad.” That is basically all you’re telling us! It’s like a fucking amateur poem written by someone trying to get a good grade in fucking English class! Oh, and let’s not forget about the fact that you used certain words wrong. Here’s something, “Repute” is basically “Reputation”, not whatever it is you were trying to go for! And, when it came to characters, I couldn’t even give you points for THAT, simply because of the fact that, like I said, all you ever did was talk about the “dark being bad”. You talked about certain people that would be there, but that wasn’t even a description of the characters you were going to have in this story. And, even if you were to mention who these people were, points would still be deducted as, when it comes to the KH/FF characters,  NO ONE IS INSANE. Even if you were to make the argument of “Organization XIII killed people!” or something along those lines, those guys literally had no hearts. And, even then, some questioned what the fuck was going on and shit, and if they could actually get a heart this way. These guys? You say that they laugh at the dead, they use their bodies, and shit like that. No. NO KH/FF CHARACTER IS LIKE THAT. The plot? You’re basically telling us that the reader is going to be part of the asylum, like, “Welcome to the rest of your fucking life, bitch!” and interact with the characters. Though the asylum plot is original in the KH/FF fanfiction fandom, I’ll have you know, that’s basically the plot of asylum shit as explained by the others. I may not know much about the asylum plot, but even I know that there isn’t much shit you can fucking do, and you’ve basically shown us that that’s what you’re going to do. So, I’m fucking done. SO LONG. GOODBYE. FUCKING FAREWELL.


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