t h i r t y - t w o

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I sat down on the rocky ground and closed my eyes briefly, another headache setting in. When my eyes opened again, they were somewhere I knew was coming.

"You failed. And do you want to know why?" Gamora asked Thanos, snow blowing around them. "Because you love nothing. No one."

Thanos breathed in sharply, before turning to face Gamora.

"No, really? Tears?"

"They're not for him," Red Skull commented.

Realization set in almost immediately for her.

Is there a way I could get out of here? I really don't want to see this. Shit. Think, think, think.

Gamora walked away slowly from an approaching Thanos. "No. This isn't love."

"I ignored my destiny once. I cannot do that again," Thanos said, almost solemnly. "Even for you."

C'mon, body, time to wake up now. Why do I need to see this?

Gamora reached quickly for her knife to kill herself before Thanos could, but the Reality Stone prevented this.

"I'm sorry, little one."

Gamora fought the entire way and we were both screaming no, but nothing could stop the over-powered Titan. She was off the cliff within seconds and I looked away quickly.

Coming back, tears covered my cheeks and young Peter was yelling my name.

"Another vision?" he asked once I finally became more aware of my surroundings.

All I could do was nod, barely able to get out, "He has the Soul Stone."

Peter and I hid safely above the scene awaiting Thanos' soon to be arrival. When he does arrive, Strange will be sitting there and waiting for him.

"Oh yeah, you're much more of a Thanos," Strange commented.

"I take it that Maw is dead," Thanos stated. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that. He brought you face to face with the Master of the Mystic Arts."

Peeking down, Thanos moved closer to Strange. "And where do you think that brought you?"

"Let me guess," Strange paused, "Your home?"

"It was, and it was beautiful."

A red beam traveled across the orange sky, changing Titan to what it previously was. Distortion was clearly heavy, but I couldn't deny Titan wasn't beautiful.

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."

"Genocide," Strange dryly said.

"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman-"

"And for a good reason too," I mumbled.

Peter was quick to slap me as a sign to shut up.

I blinked and the world turned back to its shades of oranges and browns.

"Congratulations, you're a prophet." Strange's sarcasm continued.

"I'm a survivor."

"Who wants to murder trillions."

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers." He snapped the non-gloved hand. "They would all cease to exist. I call that mercy."

"And then what?"

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