Chapter 10

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Two showers in one day never hurt anyone, right? As I got to the bathroom, I decided to take a nice bubble bath instead of a second shower. I put my hair up into a messy bun as I stepped into the tub filled with raspberry scented bubbles. Before I could relax, I put my necklace on the rim, in case it burns again. Hoping that Sue doesn’t burst into my room with lunch while I’m in the bathroom, I left a little note for her on the door. Closing my eyes, I just opened them immediately, just in case I were to fall asleep and have a weird dream again. Speaking of which, what kind of dream was that? It was so realistic, only I didn’t…exist. The dream was like I took a trip back in time, but only invisible.

“So far for relaxing.” I sighed sadly.

I groaned as I put my head back from having my plans cancelled. Now all I could focus on was the dream. Where was I in the dream? The room had a table and from what I read from the diary, they used an Odilem. Could that table from the dream be it? But how come it was going a bit crazy in the dream? And where in the world was the room located at? These questions began to spin around in my head, giving me a headache as I heard a clinging noise, as if metal was rubbing against metal. From the corner of my eye, I saw my necklace starting to freak out, as it was shaking on its own, then it hit the carpet. Its movements were quick and frantic.

“What’s wrong with you?” I sounded a bit crazy talking to an imamate object. Well, not so inanimate now, was it? “First you burn, now you’re shaking.” I picked up my necklace, which was twitching in my palm and the more I placed it away from me, the more force it had to not wanting to stay in its place as it continued to, in a sense, push back. I looked behind me as it was just a closet door for the bathroom.

“It’s…going towards the door?” I asked out loud.

“Trinity!” I heard a voice from behind my door.

Quickly grabbing a towel, I got out of the tub and just left my necklace in the bathroom, seeing it twitching on the ground. Drying off my body, I put on my robe and heading towards the door, letting Sue in. Behind her was a cart full of entrees for lunch.

“Ah, good,” She smiled as she brought in my lunch and set it down on the vanity. “You heard my voice. I was afraid if you had earphones in or something and couldn’t hear me.”

I smiled and shook my head. A part of me was a bit nervous talking to Sue considering what happened earlier today.

“Are you ok? You’re quite quiet.” Sue said worringly.

“Yeah,” I nodded, scratching the back of my head.

“Well, I hope that I didn’t interrupt your bathtime,” she said.

“Oh, no, I was just getting out.” I explained, although it was a somewhat lie.

“You missed some soa-” but her words were cut off when a clinking noise came from my bathroom. “Trinity…what is that noise?”

Sue started to go towards the bathroom, but I beat her to it, closing the door, the muffled clinking noise could still be heard behind the door. She gave me a concerned look and tried to reach for the doorknob, but I just kept getting in the way. There is no way that she can know about what is going on with my necklace.

“Trinity, would you please?” Sue said.

“It’s just faulty plumbing.” I said, my hand securely on the doorknob.

Sue put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Well, if there’s something wrong, I would have to see what’s wrong with it. I am in charge of this building and never have I ever had any problems with the plumbing.”

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