Chapter 8

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“Are you sure that you want to go through this?” Sue asked as we made our way back to the lobby.

“Yes,” I nodded.

Before I could leave my room, Sue gave me a little speech about how much I’m risking if I get caught. She told me that the worst would be me getting thrown out of the Academy. I don’t want to have P-Goon think that he’s getting to me and making me weak. If I get caught, I want him to know that I don’t give up easily. Besides, he is so worried about this book, that maybe he’ll just forget about me for a bit. But I understood why he doesn’t want the younger ones to know about what happened here in the past. Marikan was normal; until he somehow found a way to bend the rules and create new powers. I decided to tell Sue about what I read and she slowly nodded her head while confessing that what happened was true. I tried to ask her if she asked Clara about it, but Sue probably didn’t know about it at that time of talking to her.

Another thing I told her was P-Goon and the rest of being the descendants of the Original 12. I told her that I figured that out on my own, which she was happy for me. Sue told me that they would hide their purpose of the school by becoming some sort of ‘student council’; which was what I thought they were in. And I’m going to lie when I say that they can pull it off.

“I wish I could tell you more about the security, but I don’t even know what it’s going to be like.” Sue told me as we entered the elevator.

“You did the best that you could do.” I nodded. “And I thank you.”

The way down was silent and I could feel an awkward, almost incomplete, atmosphere between us. I bit my lip as the doors opened to the empty lobby. Everyone was supposed to be in their rooms soon, so the sooner I got out, the better. I turned towards Sue and she just shook her head.

“What?” I asked looking down at myself.

“You are not going to go out in that.” She said as she went behind the counter and started to look through things.

“What’s wrong with this?” I asked.

It was like she was my mom dressing her daughter before she went out on a date or a night out with friends.

“It just…it’s not good enough.” She continued as she popped up from behind the counter with a piece of thick clothing in her hand. Taking the handbag off, she told me to raise my arms as she put over the gray hoodie. “If you get caught, you can try to cover yourself in this. It’s supposed to rain, anyway, wouldn’t want you to get a cold.”

 “Thank you,” I smiled as I put it on over my uniform. The bell rang indicating the end of the day. Sue looked at me and nodded.

“Go before you get noticed by the students. If P-Goon comes here, I’ll stall.” She explained. I was going to say something, but she just pushed me out the door, encouraging me to get going. The Academy was right in front of me as I saw students piling out of the door. I slowly made my way towards the other side of the building where there was another dorm building, but behind there was the beginning of a forest. The closer I got to it, the faster the students were coming my way. My feet were pounding against the ground as I quickly hid in a few bushes. Just as I did, the students were heading towards the buildings. As soon as I got comfortable, I felt something cut my leg. Before I could look, I noticed that one of the bushes in front of me was a rose bush. I cursed underneath my breath as I slowly brought my leg back and saw a trail of blood run down. There was nothing in the bag, so the only thing to do was endure the pain.

“This is useless.” I whispered as I finally got comfortable as I waited for everyone to get into the buildings. It’s been at least an hour before everyone was in their dorms. Getting up from my spot, I stepped over the rose bush and my wound stopped bleeding. It looked like I was in the clear, but when I could hear some footsteps near me, I stopped in my tracks.

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