Chapter 14

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Warning: If you are uncomfortable with smut (which is practically the whole chapter), I suggest that you just wait until the next chapter, or if you are brave enough to see my poorly written smut (lol, I'm not that experienced, but I tried at least!) then be my guest!

A/N: Hello! ^^ I hope that you are enjoying this story as much as I am writing it :3 I just want to say that I'm not the best at writing smut, so I'm sorry if this is really, really poorly written! I tried my best, and I think that's the best thing to come from this, lol. And it's not as long as I wanted it, but I think that this part deserved its own chapter

You know the feeling like time just stopped? You felt like you were moving forward while everyone else was frozen in place? Well, you can say that's what I felt like right now. P-Goon's footsteps were muted, leaving a reminder that I was still here, my lips attached to Hojoon's. His first reaction to when I kissed him was shock; his muscles tensed up and I could feel his pulse race when we made contact. But the longer that I kissed him, the more relax he became. He even brought his hand up and caressed my cheek.

But it did the trick and it stopped P-Goon from discovering us.

"Huh, weird." I heard P-Goon in the distance as his footsteps were sounding further and further away. Until I could tell that he was no longer with us in the room, I removed my lips from Hojoon's and stepped back to let him breathe.

His breaths were rapid, as if he just ran a marathon. Hojoon's cheeks burned bright red; some would mistake it for some type of sunburn. He brought his hand up to his lips and traced them lightly.

"Sorry," I whispered, feeling the blush come on my cheeks once more. "I didn't know any other way to-"

"I know," his lips traced into a smile as a light laugh came from his lips. "You're clever for thinking up a way to make me stop."

He intertwined his hands with mine and brought me closer to him.

"You know that you're not helping my blush," I whispered.

Hojoon tilted his head in confusion. "I don't know why you feel so embarrassed about it. It suits you very well."

Well, there go my cheeks again. What surprised me next is that he brought his hands and completely cupped my face and made me look at him. They were cold to the touch against my burning cheeks. I could tell that there was a different emotion dancing behind his eyes. But the more I looked, the quicker I found out that there was more than one emotion. The sense of thrill mixed with anxiety, as if he wasn't really aware if what he was going to do was the right thing.

"If you want to talk about what happened with Hansol-"

"No," the tone of his voice was urgent. "Let's not talk now."

And with that, before I could ask what he meant by that, he brought my lips up against his once again. He backed me up against the door and lifted me up, my legs automatically wrapped around his waist. Part of me forgot that I was wearing a skirt as I was a bit exposed down there. A sudden burst ran through me, like my blood was on adrenaline. It was a very different feeling than when I did the kissing. I deepened the kiss by putting my hands around his neck and bringing our bodies closer. His hands moved from my face to my hips, his left hand slowly going up and down my sides, sending shivers down my spine. Sometimes I could feel him slowly tracing circles.

Something about this felt right. But then that image where he was sitting in the chair came back to my mind and realization came back to me. What if something does happen among the lines of him becoming bad? I put my hands to his shoulders and lightly pushed him away.

The look on his face hurt me, but I had to tell him. Otherwise it would just bother me to no end.

"I...I'm sorry," he looked down to the floor, now he was embarrassed.

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