Chapter 5

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Well what a waste of time! Nothing. These history books had nothing important to what I was looking for! Sure, I was looking for information about Libra, which I did find some information on, most of it being knowledge that I already did know, but in all honesty, I wanted to know more in depth about this Academy, the Original 12, and what was up with P-Goon’s group. Being in the history section was just a cover up, really. Closing the last book where I thought I could find at least some information, I noticed that it was getting dark outside and most of the students that were in the library were gone.

“Damn, and I thought this would help me.” I sighed as I got up and put away the book.

Looking over at the end of the library, there was a door and behind the glass windows, there was one lonely section of books. Above the door it read “Biographies”. I tilted my head and went over to look through the windows towards the restricted section. It was dark and there seemed to be a number pad on the door. This section must be really protected and private towards minors.

“What are you doing?” I heard the librarian’s voice behind me.

I jumped back from the windows and turned her way. “Oh, I was just seeing how many books were in there. I…I might need a biography book for one of my classes.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s impossible. You aren’t a senior yet.” The librarian shook her head. “That’s a good try, though. If you ever need anything look in the hi-”

“I did and found nothing.” I said a little bluntly.

She looked a little taken back by my tone and choice of words. Instead of helping me, she gave me a sad look. “Well, I’m sorry then. You might as well search it up on the internet.”

With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, going back towards her desk. Well, that didn’t go the way I planned it. In the corner of my eye, I saw P-Goon at one of the computers from the entrance. On the screen was the project that we had to do. Well, well, well, he was actually doing something! P-Goon rolled up his sleeve and looked at his watch, shortly after he turned off the computer and headed out the door, nodding towards the librarian. Luckily he didn’t see me or I know he would’ve had a conniption of some sort. Turning back to the door, I made sure that the librarian was out of sight as I looked at the key pad. Squinting my eyes, I could start to see which numbers were used the most. I only had one shot to do this. If I use the wrong combination, it could go off and alarms would set for all I knew. Taking a deep breath, I started to type in the numbers. My hands were shaking and it didn’t help it when I could feel my hand to burn up again from the stinging of Element practice. It was scanning the code and with a ding and a green light, an unlocking noise echoed lightly in the room. I opened up the door and, with no light, I started to search the shelves as best as I could read them. Luckily for me, someone left their empty shoulder bag in here. Well, this will help me. What was up with most of these books? They had no titles on their spines…they looked old and worn out. I spotted the thickest one, grabbed it carefully making sure that nothing falls out and the binding won’t be ruined. The cover was brown and it smelled of a basement. Ignoring the smell, I stuffed it into the bag and left the room; wouldn’t want anyone to find a minor in there! I closed the door, an automatic lock echoed again in the room, and I hurried out the library door. And as I made my way, I thought I saw someone else in the library, but I left in such a rush that I didn’t get the chance to see if there was anyone there. I made my way towards my dorm building with no problem, considering that the students were back in their dorm rooms…at least they should’ve been. Sue greeted me with a big smile as I entered the building.

“Ah, Trinity, nice to see you after your first day.” She said. “How was it?”

“It was…” I stopped and thought of some of the drama that happened, but I decided not to tell that. Had to stay positive somehow, right? “Nice. I learned several new things today, especially in History class.”

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