Chapter 3

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The rest of the class was practically normal, except for the fact that Mrs. Port had to go out of the classroom to get some air for a few minutes after that big explanation. Mrs. Port let us relax several minutes before she excused us from class.

“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Hansol whispered when she left.

“I was curious! And you know that you don’t have to whisper? Everyone else is talking,” I answered back in my normal voice, turning around in my seat to face him.

Hansol smirked and leaned back in his seat. Did he think that this was my way of flirting? “But you know what they say…curiosity killed the cat.”

“It helps me understand more things about this place.” I tried to tell him. “Considering that you didn’t help me last night.”

“Oh,” A-Tom elongated the word as he put his hand over his mouth and Yano was trying to hide a laugh.

“Whatever,” Hansol sneered, “you were going to learn it one day anyway.”

“Yes, but a little help would’ve been nice.” I said. “And she did say that they couldn’t talk about it, so it’s not all my fault. She decided to tell us.”

“No, but you just had to open your mouth.” Hansol said.

I bit my bottom lip as I noticed that he was right. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment. None of that information would’ve been told if I hadn’t asked. And maybe it was for the better.

“Do you know anything about that myth that she mentioned?” I asked Hansol honestly.

“Of course I do,” Hansol smiled.

“Hansol!” A-Tom put his hand on Hansol’s shoulder. “What has P-Goon told us? We’re not allowed to talk about it unless they are of age.”

“Oh, one of the youngest members is trying to follow the rules, when you hang out with Mr. Rule Breaker over there.” Hansol pointed to Yano. He glared over at Hansol and crossed his arms.

“That’s because you don’t know how to have fun.” Yano whispered. “And I don’t always break them! I always make sure I’m with one of the older members.”

“Even if you are with one of them, they won’t let you do it. At least they shouldn’t, not at your age,” Hansol told him back.

“That’s not true! Hojoon let me use them!” His voice starting to rise. “Although he didn’t approve that much.”

“You know…it’s true. Hojoon seemed a bit frustrated, but he didn’t really seem to mind it.” I whispered.

Was that a thankful look on Yano’s face for a second? Was he thanking me for backing him up? I don’t know what his problem was with me when I first came here, but hopefully we can get closer; I could see us becoming good friends. I returned a simple smile towards him.

“Alright, class, you are excused for today,” Mrs. Port announced as students started to collect their belongings and exited the room. As soon as I was getting my things, Hansol, A-Tom, and Yano were already out of the door, waiting for me. Mrs. Port walked right in front of me before I could leave the room. “Trinity, I understand that you are new, but listen carefully, we are never to talk about what I just said in today’s class. If he ever found out that I released some information to some minors, it could cost me my job, maybe even my powers. Now, listen carefully, I want you to forget everything that I told the class. Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I answered nodding my head.

“Good, have a good day.” Mrs. Port smiled and got out of my way and I left the room, joined by the three boys.

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